Thomas Böhme, Victor M. Larios Rosillo, Helena Unger, Herwig Unger
IICS2004, thefourthworkshoponInnovativeInternetCommunitySystems, s- cessfully dealtwith severaltimely topicsofdistributed systems, the Internetand virtualcommunities.TheworkshopseriescommencedwithIICS2001heldatthe Technical University of Ilmenau. After two more workshops, in Kuhlung ] sborn and Leipzig, this year was the ?rst time that the workshop was held abroad (Guadalajara, Mexico). Due to a broader international environment, the wo- shop this year was organized by the IEEE in cooperation with the Universidad de Guadalajara. Thepapersfromtheconferenceweremainlyfocusedonthreeaspects: syst-...