If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would su?ce to take their pencils in their hands, and say to each other: Let us calculate . Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 1716) Dissertio de Arte Combinatoria (Leipzig, 1666) GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz, oneofthe greatestmathematicians, discussedcalculi ofthoughts. Onlymuchlater, did it becomeevidentthat newtools arenecessary for developing such calculi, e. g., due to the necessity of reasoning under unc- tainty about objects and (vague) concepts. Fuzzy set...
If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would su?ce t...
If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would su?ce to take their pencils in their hands, and say to each other: Let us calculate . Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 1716) Dissertio de Arte Combinatoria (Leipzig, 1666) GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz, oneofthe greatestmathematicians, discussedcalculi ofthoughts. Onlymuchlater, did it becomeevidentthat newtools arenecessary for developing such calculi, e. g., due to the necessity of reasoning under unc- tainty about objects and (vague) concepts. Fuzzy set...
If controversies were to arise, there would be no more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would su?ce t...