Mobile robotic is a recent ?eld that has roots in many engineering and science disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, mechatronics, cognitive and social sciences just to name few. A mobile robot needs e?cient mechanisms of lo- motion, kinematics, sensors data, localization, planning and navigation that enable it to travel throughout its environment. Scientists have been fascinated by conception of mobile robots for many years. Machines have been designed withwheelsandtracksorotherlocomotion devicesand/orlimbs topropelthe unit. When the environment is well ordered these machines can...
Mobile robotic is a recent ?eld that has roots in many engineering and science disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, mechatronics, cognitive and...
Recently, a new class of heuristic techniques, the swarm intelligence has emerged. In this context, more recently, biologists and computer scientists in the ?eld of"arti?cial life"have been turning to insects for ideas that can be used for heuristics. Many aspects of the collective activities of social insects, such as foraging of ants, birds ?ocking and ?sh schooling are self-organizing, meaning that complex group behavior emerges from the interactions of in- viduals who exhibit simple behaviors by themselves. Swarm intelligence is an innovative computational way to solving hard problems....
Recently, a new class of heuristic techniques, the swarm intelligence has emerged. In this context, more recently, biologists and computer scientists ...