Geophysics, or physics modelling of geological phenomena, is as old and as - tablished as geoscience itself. The statistical physics modelling of various g- physical phenomena, earthquake in particular, is comparatively recent. This bookintendstocovertheserecentdevelopmentsinmodellingvariousgeoph- ical phenomena, including the imposing classic phenomenon of earthquakes, employing various statistical physical ideas and techniques. This ?rst book on statistical physics modelling of geophysical phenomena contains extensive - viewsbyalmostalltheleadingexpertsinthe?eldandshouldbewidelyuseful to...
Geophysics, or physics modelling of geological phenomena, is as old and as - tablished as geoscience itself. The statistical physics modelling of vari...
Geophysics, or physics modelling of geological phenomena, is as old and as - tablished as geoscience itself. The statistical physics modelling of various g- physical phenomena, earthquake in particular, is comparatively recent. This bookintendstocovertheserecentdevelopmentsinmodellingvariousgeoph- ical phenomena, including the imposing classic phenomenon of earthquakes, employing various statistical physical ideas and techniques. This ?rst book on statistical physics modelling of geophysical phenomena contains extensive - viewsbyalmostalltheleadingexpertsinthe?eldandshouldbewidelyuseful to...
Geophysics, or physics modelling of geological phenomena, is as old and as - tablished as geoscience itself. The statistical physics modelling of vari...