M. E. Conolly, J. Conway, D. Garrlen, R. Gaunt, F. Gross, H. Jurevics, O. Krayer, V. A. W. Kreye, J. B. Lüth, F. Gross
Between 1950 and 1960, remarkable advances were made in the develQpment Qf antihypertensive drugs, but since then, prQgress has been less rapid. This dQes nQt mean that no. new drugs have been intrQduced: Qn the cQntrary, their number has increased sharply; but since the advent Qf the beta-adrenergic blQckers no. new pharmacQdynamic principle has been discQvered that CQuid be applied widely as an antihypertensive. This has nQt been fQr want Qf effQrts, because many attempts have been made to. find new ways and means Qf influencing blQQd- pressure regulatiQn Qr the mechanisms invQlved in the...
Between 1950 and 1960, remarkable advances were made in the develQpment Qf antihypertensive drugs, but since then, prQgress has been less rapid. This ...