David Wood, MR, John G Reiss, Maria E Ferris, Linda R Edwards, Joav Merrick, MD, MMedSci, DMSc
Transitioning youth with chronic medical conditions (also known as Youth with Special Health Care Needs--YSHCN) to adult services is a complex issue in clinical practice. It is estimated that about 10.2 million children and youth, ages 017 years, in the United States alone have special health care needs and while this group constitutes only about 14% of the childhood population, they account for 40% or more of medical expenditures for children. As reflected in this book there are a growing number of programs and projects from around the world that are developing and implementing innovative...
Transitioning youth with chronic medical conditions (also known as Youth with Special Health Care Needs--YSHCN) to adult services is a complex issue i...