Whether you're a mature Christian or a "babe" in Christ, Get Out of the Way ... You're Blocking Your Blessings is a work that's vital to your Christian life. It contains practical, easy-to-understand dialogue that will greatly benefit you in the implementation of God's Word to your daily life. In it, you'll learn why you were created, why it's important to learn how to come to God on His terms (not yours), and what to do to receive all of the blessings that God has waiting for you. Get Out of the Way ... You're Blocking Your Blessings will cause you to exercise your faith, solidify your...
Whether you're a mature Christian or a "babe" in Christ, Get Out of the Way ... You're Blocking Your Blessings is a work that's vital to your Chris...
Does the Bible really describe Hell as a place of eternal fire and brimstone? Is it really a place where billions of souls will burn forever? 'HELL IS NOT AS HOT AS YOU THINK' will answer these questions and enable you - likely for the first time - to make a fair and impartial decision based on unbiased biblical fact, instead of the rumors, fables, and myths most have been subjected to in forming their beliefs about Hell. 'HELL IS NOT AS HOT AS YOU THINK' promises to take you on the spiritual ride of your life. This exhaustive, biblical-based journey, which examines every scripture and...
Does the Bible really describe Hell as a place of eternal fire and brimstone? Is it really a place where billions of souls will burn forever? 'HELL IS...