This is a partial history and record of our children's ancestors, the Scot Robert Abernathy, sold to a Virginia tobacco planter in 1650. His wife Christine Tillman descended from John of Gaunt the 3rd son of King Edward III of England. Irish Bartholomew Carrell was in the Am Rev, a grandson married Sarah Swynford who traces to Stephen Hopkins of the Mayflower. Our German Bollinger, Schell, Miller and Statler families crossed to Missouri the first day of 1800 from NC and PA. The Burns, Abernathys and Conrads followed after 1820. Moses Wright from William the Conqueror's Norman knights. Adam...
This is a partial history and record of our children's ancestors, the Scot Robert Abernathy, sold to a Virginia tobacco planter in 1650. His wife Chri...