America, Mexico and Canada have been devastated by a series of tsunamis and seismic events in the year 2050. A totalitarian regime arose to quell the ensuing breakdown of law and order. Under the dictatorship of Ben Tyler and the Freedom Party, a ruthless police state emerged. It is confronted by the American Eagles, a band of patriots. David Mackintosh is caught up in the struggle as he uncovers the regime's plans to create a state where the workers are programmed Robotoids.
About The Author Roger Trow lives in Dubai, UAE but has travelled widely and worked overseas for over forty...
America, Mexico and Canada have been devastated by a series of tsunamis and seismic events in the year 2050. A totalitarian regime arose to quell the ...
The story is the sequel to Shades of Deceit and narrates the American fight for freedom. Journalist David Macintosh and his friend Nick join the resistance movement, The American Eagles, in the struggle against the new dictator Ian Sharpe, who is supported by the Freedom Party and shadowy Olympians, who are international conspirators. The American Eagles expose the horror of the regimes and conduct a guerrilla campaign, and find an unlikely ally who provides them with weapons to bring down the regime and restore democracy to the Americas.
About The Author Roger Trow lives in Dubai,...
The story is the sequel to Shades of Deceit and narrates the American fight for freedom. Journalist David Macintosh and his friend Nick join the resis...
The axis alliance between Britain, France and Germany in the Euro Zone has been broken and The East Asian Republic is also changed by the events that transpired at the World Council meeting in London, with the death of its Great Leader, the cyborg Long Wei.
His successor, General Chi, also a cyborg, is allied to witches of Priddy, Somerset but they are confronted on the astral plane by Psychic Warriors and the Stewart family who are natural telepaths. The stakes are high: nothing less than world domination.
About The Author Roger Trow lives in Dubai, UAE but has travelled widely...
The axis alliance between Britain, France and Germany in the Euro Zone has been broken and The East Asian Republic is also changed by the events that ...