Charles Carrington, Tim Speed (Lotus Consulting, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.), Juanita Ellis (Consultant, Los Angeles, CA, USA
The Internet is connecting enterprises into a global economy. Companies are exposing their directories, or a part of their directories, to customers, business partners, the Internet as a whole, and to potential "hackers." If the directory structure is compromised, then the whole enterprise can be at risk. Security of this information is of utmost importance.
This book provides examples and implementation guidelines on building secure and structured enterprise directories. The authors have worked with corporations around the world to help them design and manage enterprise directories that...
The Internet is connecting enterprises into a global economy. Companies are exposing their directories, or a part of their directories, to customers, ...
Tim Speed (Lotus Consulting, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.), Juanita Ellis (Consultant, Los Angeles, CA, USA), Steffano Korper (
The Personal Internet Security Guidebook is a complete guide to protecting your computer(s) on the Internet. The newest attack point for hackers is home computers on DSL and/or cable modems. This book will show you how to set up a home network and protect it from the "bad dudes." Also covered in this book is how to protect your computer on the road. Many hotels are now offering high-speed Internet access and this book will show you how to keep your computer safe in the hotel room as well as on the hotel network.
This is a how-to guide to keeping your personal computer safe on...
The Personal Internet Security Guidebook is a complete guide to protecting your computer(s) on the Internet. The newest attack point for hac...
Tim Speed (Lotus Consulting, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.), Juanita Ellis (Consultant, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Internet Security incorporates not only the technology needed to support a solid security strategy but also those policies and processes that must be incorporated in order for that strategy to work.
New methods of breaking into corporate networks are resulting in major losses. This book provides the latest information on how to guard against attacks and informs the IT manager of the products that can detect and prevent break-ins. Crucial concepts such as authentication and encryption are explained, enabling the reader to understand when and where these technologies will be useful. Due to...
Internet Security incorporates not only the technology needed to support a solid security strategy but also those policies and processes that must be ...