A. Dijksma, I. Gohberg, M. A. Kaashoek, Reinhard Mennicken
This volume is dedicated to Heinz Langer, a leading expert in spectral analysis and its applications, in particular to operators in spaces with an indefinite metric, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The book begins with his biography and list of publications. It contains a selection of research papers, most of which are devoted to spectral analysis of operators or operator pencils with applications to ordinary and partial differential equations. Other papers deal with time-varying systems, interpolation and factorization problems, and topics from mathematical physics. About half...
This volume is dedicated to Heinz Langer, a leading expert in spectral analysis and its applications, in particular to operators in spaces with an ...
in die Theorie der eindimensionalen singularen Integraloperatoren von 1. Gohberg und N. Krupnik In Deutscher Sprache herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. E. Meister Deutsche Ubersetzungvon Dr. B. Schiippel Springer Basel AG 1979 H.:0;. rox6epr H H. R. KpynHHK BBe eHHe B TeOpHIO O HOMepHbIX CHHryIDIPHbIX HlITerpaJILHbIX OnepaTOpOB erschien im Verlag "Stiinca" Kisinev 1973 CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Gobberg, Izrail' c.: Einflihrung in die Theorie der eindimensionalen singulliren Integraloperationenlvon I. Gohberg u. N. Krupnik. In dt. Sprache hrsg. von E. Mei ster. Dt. Obers. von B....
in die Theorie der eindimensionalen singularen Integraloperatoren von 1. Gohberg und N. Krupnik In Deutscher Sprache herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. E. Me...