What do you see ascension to be? It's about a gift of spiritual uplift. It isn't unfair or doctrinaire. Hear spirits sublime in rhythmic rhyme opening doors with metaphors using prisms of aphorisms to aid comprehension of ways to ascension in turning the page to Aquarian Age. There is wisdom of ages from angels and sages as intuitively heard in clairaudient word coming through channels of spirited panels. Masters and guides show cultural sides for avoiding the curse of the non-diverse. We presently play in a Zen-Tao way. The old is new, as re-created by you. It's an echo of sorts that nature...
What do you see ascension to be? It's about a gift of spiritual uplift. It isn't unfair or doctrinaire. Hear spirits sublime in rhythmic rhyme opening...
Ascension gives reflection of universal connection, along with increase of inner peace. It is also shown by what is outgrown. One is no longer prone to feeling alone. They can travel their road in a benevolent mode and wonOt emotionally implode. In a sense, they create a transcendent state. Bringing intuition into fruition is a connective condition superseding suspicion. Angels give only support of a positive sort, so this book helps guide to the ascending side. Many thoughts bring about all kinds of doubt, and ego has ways of darkening days. Have a structured thrust that can lead to trust....
Ascension gives reflection of universal connection, along with increase of inner peace. It is also shown by what is outgrown. One is no longer prone t...