The puzzles in this book focus on the 80 kanji that are taught in the first year of school in Japan.
These are the most essential, basic kanji and include the characters needed to write numbers, days of the week and months of the year.
In addition to the puzzles and their solutions, the book contains clearly set out examples for each of the kanji, with on and kun readings for each character. There is also a detailed word list which gives examples of 160 commonly used words, with readings in hiragana and translations in English.
Kanji-Kan are...
Read, Write and Remember Kanji.
The puzzles in this book focus on the 80 kanji that are taught in the first year of school in Japan.
The puzzles in this book focus on the 160 kanji that are taught in the second year of compulsory education in Japan.
These are among the most essential, basic kanji and include the characters used for the seasons of the year, weather conditions, family members and a few everyday activities.
In addition to the 72 puzzles and their solutions, the book contains clearly set out examples for each of the kanji, with on and kun readings for each character. There are also a detailed word lists which give examples of at least 320 commonly used words, with...
Read, Write and Remember Kanji.
The puzzles in this book focus on the 160 kanji that are taught in the second year of compulsory education in Ja...