Merritt (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA)
Paul, not Jesus, invented modern day Christianity. Jesus (The Master) was a Jew. He was born a Jew. He taught as a Jew and He died as a Jew. During His day He taught the Law. It was His approach to the Law that is one of the many reasons Hes remembered (and that teaching is exposed here). Many replaced Pauls love and faith in Jesus for living the Christ like life. Religion with its rules and regulations tacitly disguises love as some sort of dominants. (Some religions disguise peace as war.) Want to be a mental prisoner? Religion doesnt like it if you remain outside its sphere of influence,...
Paul, not Jesus, invented modern day Christianity. Jesus (The Master) was a Jew. He was born a Jew. He taught as a Jew and He died as a Jew. During Hi...