This work, the ninth in a series of books about Maryland families, focuses on the Purdum families, primarily of Montgomery and Frederick Counties. Having early origins in the area, and being rather prolific, the Purdum families intermarried with many of those families found in the first eight books of his series, and some of the information presented there will be repeated here, rather than requiring the reader to move back and forth between the various volumes in the series. Following the custom of the earlier works in this series, the book begins with a look at the early history of the...
This work, the ninth in a series of books about Maryland families, focuses on the Purdum families, primarily of Montgomery and Frederick Counties. Hav...
"The Selby name is an ancient one," begins book twenty-nine by William Hurley, the prolific author and researcher who once again explores the origins of another Maryland family. After a brief review of early English connections he begins his familiar trek through the resources of the Montgomery County Historical Society and others to locate the familial threads that connect living Selbys to early immigrants and settlers. Beginning with William Selby, an indentured servant seeking his fortune in the New World, who appears to be the ancestor of the Selby families found today in Montgomery and...
"The Selby name is an ancient one," begins book twenty-nine by William Hurley, the prolific author and researcher who once again explores the origins ...
This work is fourteenth in a series about Maryland families. The author, already well known for his works on the Brandenburg, Browning, Burdette, Fry, Fulks, Hines, Hurley, King, Lowder, Maddox, Miles, Niekirk, Perry, Pratt, Purdum, Soper, Stottlemyer, Walker and Watkins families, now turns his attention to the Lewis families. In this volume, the author is primarily concerned with those members of the Lewis family with origins in Montgomery County, Maryland, and the counties from which it was formed. Following the custom of the earlier works in this series, the book begins with a look at the...
This work is fourteenth in a series about Maryland families. The author, already well known for his works on the Brandenburg, Browning, Burdette, Fry,...
This volume, the thirty-fourth in a series of Maryland families, concentrates on one branch of the Hawkins family descended from Henry Hawkins, who owned various tracts of land in both Charles and Prince George's Counties. This book covers more than 300 years and twelve generations in both the male and female lines located primarily in Montgomery and Frederick Counties with numerous references to family in other counties and states. Data was compiled from census records, will records, family files, church and cemetery records, and published books and records from the Montgomery County...
This volume, the thirty-fourth in a series of Maryland families, concentrates on one branch of the Hawkins family descended from Henry Hawkins, who ow...
This is the thirty-sixth book in Mr. Hurley's series on Maryland families. This study began with the goal of providing information about the Ray families generally found in Montgomery County, as listed in the various census returns from 1850 to 1900, and expanded to include information from a number of other sources. The Ray families in Montgomery County appear to be rather clearly divided between those found in the lower southeast section and those found in the upper northwest section of the county. One large group appears to be descended from Joseph Ray, who was born about 1755, and is the...
This is the thirty-sixth book in Mr. Hurley's series on Maryland families. This study began with the goal of providing information about the Ray famil...
Mr. Hurley's Our Maryland Heritage series continues with this book, which investigates the Nicholson families, primarily of Montgomery County, but also includes family members found in other Maryland counties and elsewhere. This study began with the goal of providing information about the Nicholson families generally found in Montgomery County, as listed in the various census returns from 1850 to 1900, and expanded to include information from a number of other sources. Individual chapters are devoted to: Early Nicholson Family Records, Asa Nicholson, Mary E. Nicholson 1831-1912, James A. S....
Mr. Hurley's Our Maryland Heritage series continues with this book, which investigates the Nicholson families, primarily of Montgomery County, but als...