OF 'SOLIDARITY' IN UK SOCIAL WELFARE Here then, perhaps, is a British version of solidarity in social welfare, but early there are strong tensions between the powerfully liberal individualistic strands of the British understanding of the functions of the state and the socialistic or communitarian tendency of a commitment to universal welfare provision. In the search for the roots of this understanding of welfare we shall survey, fitst, the historical background to these tensions in some early British political philosophers, starting with Hobbes and ending with Mill. We then consider the...
OF 'SOLIDARITY' IN UK SOCIAL WELFARE Here then, perhaps, is a British version of solidarity in social welfare, but early there are strong tensions bet...
This volume is written for scholars and analysts in the field of health policy, philosophy of health care, and biomedical ethics, particularly the ethics of resource allocation and the just distribution of scarce resources. The book provides students and scholars with an improved understanding of solidarity as a fundamental value in health care and social care, by comparing it with traditional approaches to justice, fairness, and individual freedom. In addition, the reader is provided with empirical evidence of the socio-cultural views of solidarity, which may contribute to a better...
This volume is written for scholars and analysts in the field of health policy, philosophy of health care, and biomedical ethics, particularly the eth...