Adam, the American is an intriguing historical novel depicting a grand vision of the growth of diplomacy during the founding of our nation. It follows the life of an ambitious young American eager to succeed in the world, and he does so because of the freedoms available to all Americans. Growing up in the savage Indian country of the Western Carolinas, Adam Fitzgerald meets a young Indian his own age and they become friends for life. Their paths diverge when Adam travels to Williamsburg for college, where he meets Thomas Jefferson, who helps him achieve a career as a lawyer. His first...
Adam, the American is an intriguing historical novel depicting a grand vision of the growth of diplomacy during the founding of our nation. It follows...
From one dangerous escape to another, Nina's life is fraught with anxiety. Almost snarled by the Russian revolution, she is brought to America as a maid in a wealthy American mansion. Her new master tries seducing her with tragic consequences. She is accused of murder. Slipping away on a late night train, she finds refuge in a Bordello in the rough coal mining area of Southern Illinois only to be sold by the Madame for a thousand dollars. A labor boss with ulterior motives convinces her of his sincerity, but she must again escape his seduction. A minister hides Nina on a poor man's farm near...
From one dangerous escape to another, Nina's life is fraught with anxiety. Almost snarled by the Russian revolution, she is brought to America as a ma...