Canuck and Other Stories Rhea Cote Robbins, Editor Canuck, by Camille Lessard Bissonnette, (1883-1970), translated by Sylvie Charron and Sue Huseman, is a book which reflects the French Canadian immigration experience from a young woman's point of view. The protagonist, Vic, is a very modern young woman who sets out to accomplish many things in her new country, the U.S. La Jeune Franco-Americaine, The Young Franco-American by Alberte Gastonguay, (1906-1978), translated by Madeleine C. Pare Roy is a study of the life of a young woman who is seeking her way in the world. She meets many suitors...
Canuck and Other Stories Rhea Cote Robbins, Editor Canuck, by Camille Lessard Bissonnette, (1883-1970), translated by Sylvie Charron and Sue Huseman, ...