Pawan Kumar (Thapar University India), Garima Pruthi, Saumya Sinha
The Indian internet landscape is getting more competitive day by day. Search engines have traditionally been at the heart of how the internet works, and we now have GIS integrated with Search Engines, so that not only we find the Search results but we can also see their positions on Map along with all other relevant details. Both GIS and Local Search involve several high end technologies and various factors need to be planned and considered to implement these kinds of projects successfully. The main difficulty is in lack of reliable GIS data due to volatile infrastructure and lack of fine...
The Indian internet landscape is getting more competitive day by day. Search engines have traditionally been at the heart of how the internet works, a...
Pawan K Bharti, Pawan Kumar (Thapar University India)
The present book Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences highlighted the cause and consequences of climate change. The book reveals the general anthropogenic activities, environmental pollution, ozone depletion, global warming, climate change and impacts on water resources and agriculture. The book mainly deals with the impacts of anthropogenic activities on the all components of biosphere in the form of global climate change as a consequence. This book gives an outline about the causes and consequences of climate change and its impacts on agriculture system, water resources, forest...
The present book Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences highlighted the cause and consequences of climate change. The book reveals the general...