"Die Big-Data-Odyssee: Einblicke, Innovationen und Auswirkungen gewinnen" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden zu Big Data und Hadoop. Das Buch beginnt mit einer Einführung in Big Data, seine Quellen, Geschichte, Antriebskräfte, Merkmale und Anwendungen. Anschließend werden die wichtigsten Merkmale wie intelligente Datenanalyse, die Art der Daten, Analyseprozesse, Tools, Sicherheit, Compliance, Auditing, Schutz, Privatsphäre und Ethik behandelt. Als Nächstes wird auf Hadoop eingegangen, einschließlich seiner Geschichte, des Apache Hadoop-Projekts, des Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), des...
"Die Big-Data-Odyssee: Einblicke, Innovationen und Auswirkungen gewinnen" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden zu Big Data und Hadoop. Das Buch beginnt mit e...
"The Big Data Odyssey: Navigating Insights, Innovation, and Impact" is a comprehensive guide to big data and Hadoop, this book starts by introducing big data, its sources, history, drivers, characteristics, and applications. It then delves into key features like intelligent data analysis, data nature, analytic processes, tools, security, compliance, auditing, protection, privacy, and ethics. Next, it explores Hadoop, including its history, the Apache Hadoop project, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), the Hadoop ecosystem, data formats, data analysis, scaling, streaming, and pipes. Moving...
"The Big Data Odyssey: Navigating Insights, Innovation, and Impact" is a comprehensive guide to big data and Hadoop, this book starts by introducing b...
"L'odyssée du Big Data : Naviguer vers la connaissance, l'innovation et l'impact" est un guide complet sur les big data et Hadoop. Ce livre commence par présenter les big data, leurs sources, leur histoire, leurs moteurs, leurs caractéristiques et leurs applications. Il se penche ensuite sur des éléments clés tels que l'analyse intelligente des données, la nature des données, les processus analytiques, les outils, la sécurité, la conformité, l'audit, la protection, la confidentialité et l'éthique. Il explore ensuite Hadoop, notamment son histoire, le projet Apache Hadoop, le...
"L'odyssée du Big Data : Naviguer vers la connaissance, l'innovation et l'impact" est un guide complet sur les big data et Hadoop. Ce livre commence ...
Dive into the world of big data with the comprehensive guide 'Hadoop Ecosystem, YARN, NoSQL, MongoDB, Spark & Scala Guide.' In Chapter 1, explore the intricacies of the Hadoop ecosystem and YARN, covering components, HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, PIG, HIVE, schedulers, failover, fencing, and HDFS federation. Chapter 2 introduces NoSQL databases, providing insights into different types, including document databases, key-value stores, column-oriented databases, and graph databases. Chapter 3 delves into MongoDB, offering an in-depth understanding of its introduction, data types, document creation,...
Dive into the world of big data with the comprehensive guide 'Hadoop Ecosystem, YARN, NoSQL, MongoDB, Spark & Scala Guide.' In Chapter 1, explore the ...
This book "The Unveiling of Storage Technology" is a comprehensive guide that underscores the pivotal role of data in modern businesses and the importance of efficient storage and management. The book covers a wide array of topics, starting with the significance of data, challenges in storage and management, and solutions for data storage. It then delves into storage systems architecture, detailing hardware and software components, connectivity environments, disk drives, and RAID configurations. Chapter three explores the evolution of networked storage, highlighting the benefits of various...
This book "The Unveiling of Storage Technology" is a comprehensive guide that underscores the pivotal role of data in modern businesses and the import...