"Tackling Communicable Diseases" is a comprehensive exploration of the global battle against infectious agents. Covering historical outbreaks, the current burden of diseases, and the role of public health, it highlights the significance of early detection and collaboration. Addressing the economic and social impacts, disparities, and cultural influences, the book emphasizes the ongoing struggle against communicable diseases. With a focus on prevention and global cooperation, it provides vital insights for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers in the ever-evolving field of...
"Tackling Communicable Diseases" is a comprehensive exploration of the global battle against infectious agents. Covering historical outbreaks, the cur...
Niraimathi, Dr. S., Govindarajan, Dr. M., Amsath, Dr. A.
"Leptospirose - klinische Erkenntnisse und Umfragen" ist ein umfassendes Buch, das sich mit dieser zoonotischen Krankheit befasst. Es befasst sich mit Epidemiologie, Übertragung, klinischer Präsentation, diagnostischen Herausforderungen, Behandlungsstrategien und Prävention. Umfragen und Fallstudien aus der Praxis bieten wertvolle Einblicke. Das Buch befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen auf gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen und unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit einer frühzeitigen Diagnose und maßgeschneiderten Behandlung. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Prävention durch Aufklärung,...
"Leptospirose - klinische Erkenntnisse und Umfragen" ist ein umfassendes Buch, das sich mit dieser zoonotischen Krankheit befasst. Es befasst sich mit...
Veerakkumar, Dr. K., Kiresee Saghana, Dr. P. R., Govindarajan, Dr. M.
In "An Introduction to Environmental Studies" the reader embarks on a captivating journey into the multifaceted realm of environmental science. This book is a comprehensive guide that lays the foundation for understanding the intricate dynamics between nature and human society. Moreover, the book addresses the societal, economic, and ethical dimensions of environmental issues, shedding light on the policy frameworks and ethical considerations that drive positive change. It encourages readers to adopt an environmentally conscious mindset, empowering them to take informed actions for a more...
In "An Introduction to Environmental Studies" the reader embarks on a captivating journey into the multifaceted realm of environmental science. This b...
Niraimathi, Dr. S., Govindarajan, Dr. M., Amsath, Dr. A.
"Leptospirosis-Clinical Insights and Surveys" is a comprehensive book exploring this zoonotic disease. It covers epidemiology, transmission, clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges, treatment strategies, and prevention. Real-world surveys and case studies provide valuable insights. The book addresses the impact on vulnerable populations and highlights the need for early diagnosis and tailored treatment. It also emphasizes prevention through education, public health interventions, and vaccination. This resource-rich book serves healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers,...
"Leptospirosis-Clinical Insights and Surveys" is a comprehensive book exploring this zoonotic disease. It covers epidemiology, transmission, clinical ...
"Basic Concepts of Epidemiology" is a concise and informative guide that provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental principles of epidemiology. Written with clarity and precision, this book is designed to demystify the science of epidemiology and make it accessible to a wide audience, from students to healthcare professionals and anyone interested in understanding the spread and impact of diseases. The book covers the key concepts, terminology, and methods used in epidemiology, offering readers a solid foundation for comprehending how diseases and health-related events are studied...
"Basic Concepts of Epidemiology" is a concise and informative guide that provides an accessible introduction to the fundamental principles of epidemio...
Niraimathi, Dr. S., Govindarajan, Dr. M., Amsath, Dr. A.
"Leptospirose - Aperçus et enquêtes cliniques" est un ouvrage complet sur cette maladie zoonotique. Il couvre l'épidémiologie, la transmission, la présentation clinique, les défis diagnostiques, les stratégies de traitement et la prévention. Des enquêtes en situation réelle et des études de cas fournissent des informations précieuses. L'ouvrage traite de l'impact sur les populations vulnérables et souligne la nécessité d'un diagnostic précoce et d'un traitement adapté. Il met également l'accent sur la prévention par l'éducation, les interventions de santé publique et la...
"Leptospirose - Aperçus et enquêtes cliniques" est un ouvrage complet sur cette maladie zoonotique. Il couvre l'épidémiologie, la transmission, la...
Thameem Azarudeen, Dr. R., Govindarajan, Dr. M., Amsath, Dr. A.
Mosquito-borne diseases continue to be a global health concern, affecting millions of people every year. Malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and other mosquito-borne illnesses pose a significant threat to public health, particularly in regions with limited resources. Traditional methods of mosquito control, such as insecticide spraying and bed nets, have shown varying levels of effectiveness but also come with drawbacks, including insecticide resistance and environmental concerns. In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool in the fight against mosquitoes. Nanoparticles,...
Mosquito-borne diseases continue to be a global health concern, affecting millions of people every year. Malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and other ...
Veerakkumar, Dr. K., Kiresee Saghana, Dr. P.R., Govindarajan, Dr. M.
"Dans Introduction à l'étude de l'environnement, le lecteur entreprend un voyage captivant dans le domaine multiforme de la science de l'environnement. Ce livre est un guide complet qui pose les bases de la compréhension de la dynamique complexe entre la nature et la société humaine. En outre, il aborde les dimensions sociétales, économiques et éthiques des questions environnementales, en mettant en lumière les cadres politiques et les considérations éthiques qui conduisent à des changements positifs. Il encourage les lecteurs à adopter un état d'esprit respectueux de...
"Dans Introduction à l'étude de l'environnement, le lecteur entreprend un voyage captivant dans le domaine multiforme de la science de l'environneme...