This calendar is bilingual in German and English and offers you the true calendar that God [Elohim] gave to man in the Torah (Leviticus 23) and that is no longer used today even among Jews. The calendar of God is a three-dimensional calendar that works astronomically, agriculturally and geographically, being the only true calendar and every person on earth should know and use it. Dieser Kalender ist bilingual gehalten in Deutsch und Englisch und bietet dir den wahren Kalender, den Gott [Elohim] in der Tora (Levitikus 23) den Menschen gegeben hat und der heute selbst unter Juden nicht mehr...
This calendar is bilingual in German and English and offers you the true calendar that God [Elohim] gave to man in the Torah (Leviticus 23) and that i...
This calendar is bilingual in German and English and offers you the true calendar that God [Elohim] gave to man in the Torah (Leviticus 23) and that is no longer used today even among Jews. The calendar of God is a three-dimensional calendar that works astronomically, agriculturally and geographically, being the only true calendar and every person on earth should know and use it.Dieser Kalender ist bilingual gehalten in Deutsch und Englisch und bietet dir den wahren Kalender, den Gott [Elohim] in der Tora (Levitikus 23) den Menschen gegeben hat und der heute selbst unter Juden nicht mehr...
This calendar is bilingual in German and English and offers you the true calendar that God [Elohim] gave to man in the Torah (Leviticus 23) and that i...
Auch wenn noch nie jemand von der Elohik gehört hat, so ist sie doch viel älter als die Magie. Noch bevor die Welt erschaffen wurde, existierte die Elohik bereits. Die Magie noch nicht. Elohim Höchstselbst ist der Erfinder, Erschaffer, Besitzer, Ausführender der Elohik, welche das komplette Gegenteil der Magie ist. Magie ist okkult und sein Herr ist Satan, der ein geschaffenes Wesen Elohims ist und sich selbst zu Fall brachte aufgrund seines Hochmuts, seines Stolzes, seiner Rebellion. Und doch besitzt Magie ihren Reiz, es spricht die Sünde, das Böse in uns an und will uns dazu...
Auch wenn noch nie jemand von der Elohik gehört hat, so ist sie doch viel älter als die Magie. Noch bevor die Welt erschaffen wurde, existierte die ...
Although no one has ever heard of Elohic, it is still much older than magic. Even before the world was created, the Elohic already existed. Magic did not yet. Elohim Himself is the inventor, creator, owner, executor of the Elohic, which is the complete opposite of magic. Magic is occult and its master is Satan, who is a created being of Elohim and who put his head in a noose because of his arrogance, his pride, his rebellion. And yet magic has its appeal, it appeals to the sin, the evil in us and wants to drive us to rebel against Elohim just as Satan has already done and continues to do to...
Although no one has ever heard of Elohic, it is still much older than magic. Even before the world was created, the Elohic already existed. Magic did...
Tel Aviv Diary Student is a premium Journal á la Shanghai Diary which is no longer available. This Journal with its illustrations inside which are typical for Tel Aviv is in color and a great companion for your everyday life of writing at home, in school, in your leizure time, at work or at the university.
Tel Aviv Diary Student is a premium Journal á la Shanghai Diary which is no longer available. This Journal with its illustrations inside which are ty...