Zanjat, Shraddha N., Barbudhe, V. K., Karmore, Bhavana
IoT systems allow users to achieve deeper automation, analysis, and integration within a system. They improve the reach of these areas and their accuracy. IoT utilizes existing and emerging technology for sensing, networking, and robotics. IoT exploits recent advances in software, falling hardware prices, and modern attitudes towards technology. Its new and advanced elements bring major changes in the delivery of products, goods, and services; and the social, economic, and political impact of those changes.
IoT systems allow users to achieve deeper automation, analysis, and integration within a system. They improve the reach of these areas and their accur...
Zanjat, Shraddha N., Barbudhe, V. K., Karmore, Bhavana
Architecture IoT - Architecture IoT Open source (OIC) - Architecture OIC et principes de conception - Dispositifs IoT et modèles de déploiement - IoTivity : Une pile IoT Open source - Vue d'ensemble - Architecture de la pile IoTivity - Modèle de ressources et abstraction. Module IV : WEB des objets - Web des objets versus Internet des objets - Deux piliers du Web - Standardisation de l'architecture pour le WoT - Middleware de plateforme pour le WoT - Architecture WoT unifiée multi-niveaux - Portails WoT et Business Intelligence. Module V : Applications IOT - Applications IoT pour...
Architecture IoT - Architecture IoT Open source (OIC) - Architecture OIC et principes de conception - Dispositifs IoT et modèles de déploiement - Io...
Zanjat, Shraddha N., Barbudhe, V. K., Karmore, Bhavana
IoT-Architektur - IoT-Open-Source-Architektur (OIC) - OIC-Architektur und Designprinzipien - IoT-Geräte und Bereitstellungsmodelle - IoTivity: Ein quelloffener IoT-Stack - Überblick - IoTivity-Stack-Architektur - Ressourcenmodell und Abstraktion. Modul IV: WEB der Dinge - Web der Dinge versus Internet der Dinge - Zwei Säulen des Webs - Architekturstandardisierung für WoT - Plattform-Middleware für WoT - Einheitliche mehrstufige WoT-Architektur - WoT-Portale und Business Intelligence. Modul V: IoT-Anwendungen - IoT-Anwendungen für die Industrie: Zukünftige Fabrik-Konzepte, Brownfield...
IoT-Architektur - IoT-Open-Source-Architektur (OIC) - OIC-Architektur und Designprinzipien - IoT-Geräte und Bereitstellungsmodelle - IoTivity: Ein qu...