Agrawal, Dr Nikit, Motiwale, Dr Tejas, Vyas, Dr Sushmitha R
Cette compilation présente une vue d'ensemble des différentes options de reconstruction de la cavité buccale et de la face à l'aide de lambeaux de tissus mous loco-régionaux.Bien qu'elle ne soit pas complète à tous égards, elle représente l'opinion collationnée de plusieurs auteurs qui ont beaucoup travaillé sur le domaine en question. Pour les chirurgiens maxillo-faciaux qui pratiquent aujourd'hui, il existe de nombreuses options pour faire face à une situation clinique exigeant une attention particulière à la perte de tissu. Les options choisies pour la reconstruction doivent...
Cette compilation présente une vue d'ensemble des différentes options de reconstruction de la cavité buccale et de la face à l'aide de lambeaux de...
Bhatt, Dr Vaibhav, Motiwale, Dr Tejas, Mitra, Dr Geeti V
In our book, we have briefly discussed about temporomandibular joint disorders. Temporomandibular joint disorders are a term adopted by American dental association to facilitate coordination of research and communication.Temporomandibular disorders have been defined as functional disturbances of the masticatory muscle disorders, degenerative and inflammatory temporomandibular joint disc displacements under the umbrella of temporomandibular disorders. Temporomandibular joint diseases and disorders refer to a complex and poorly understood set of conditions, manifested by pain in the area of the...
In our book, we have briefly discussed about temporomandibular joint disorders. Temporomandibular joint disorders are a term adopted by American denta...
Agrawal, Dr Nikit, Motiwale, Dr Tejas, Vyas, Dr Sushmitha R
This compilation represents an overview of the different options for reconstruction in the oral cavity and face using loco-regional soft tissue flaps.Though not complete in every respect, it represents the collated opinion of multiple authors who have worked extensively on the area of interest. To the modern practicing maxillofacial surgeons multiple options exist in order to address a clinical situation demanding attention to tissue loss. The options chosen for reconstruction must give due weightage to the nature and composition of the tissue sought to be replaced, donor site considerations...
This compilation represents an overview of the different options for reconstruction in the oral cavity and face using loco-regional soft tissue flaps....
Agrawal, Dr Nikit, Motiwale, Dr Tejas, Vyas, Dr Sushmitha R
Diese Zusammenstellung gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Rekonstruktion der Mundhöhle und des Gesichts mittels lokoregionaler Weichgewebelappen.Auch wenn sie nicht in jeder Hinsicht vollständig ist, stellt sie doch die zusammengefasste Meinung mehrerer Autoren dar, die sich intensiv mit dem betreffenden Gebiet befasst haben. Für den modernen praktizierenden Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgen gibt es zahlreiche Optionen, um eine klinische Situation zu bewältigen, die eine Behandlung des Gewebeverlustes erfordert. Bei der Wahl der Rekonstruktionsmöglichkeiten...
Diese Zusammenstellung gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Rekonstruktion der Mundhöhle und des Gesichts mittels lokoreg...
In our book, a brief discussion about Septic shock has done, which is a life-threatening medical condition characterized by a severe systemic infection (sepsis) that leads to widespread inflammation and organ dysfunction. It occurs when an infection in the body triggers an overwhelming immune response, causing a cascade of harmful effects throughout the body.It's important to note that medical knowledge and practices evolve over time, so it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or refer to current medical literature for the most up-to-date information.
In our book, a brief discussion about Septic shock has done, which is a life-threatening medical condition characterized by a severe systemic infectio...