Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian
The law of conducting weddings in space with spacecraft powered by nuclear and solar renewable energy technologies. Would YOU get married in space? Couples could have their weddings inside a capsule carried by a stadium-size balloon 100,000 feet above Earth by 2024 - but tickets will set you back $125,000. Lucky space farers can now book flights aboard Space Perspective's luxury capsules, with flights from 2024. Football stadium-sized space balloons will 'calmly' transport the circular passenger capsule through space. Florida-based firm Space Perspective claims it has already received...
The law of conducting weddings in space with spacecraft powered by nuclear and solar renewable energy technologies. Would YOU get married in space? Co...
Damayanti, Dian, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian, Royani, Esti
Private commercial space tourism carrying passengers to outer space is no longer a distant or far-fetched fantasy, rather it is at verge of becoming an affordable reality with exponential development in space technology including development of Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), increasing involvement of private companies like Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin etc. Into research and funding of space tourism explorations and applications. It is also receiving huge attention from the public. These developments reflect the infinite possibilities and inevitability of space tourism in near future....
Private commercial space tourism carrying passengers to outer space is no longer a distant or far-fetched fantasy, rather it is at verge of becoming a...
Damayanti, Dian, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian, Royani, Esti
Le tourisme spatial commercial privé transportant des passagers dans l'espace n'est plus un fantasme lointain ou farfelu, il est au contraire sur le point de devenir une réalité abordable grâce au développement exponentiel de la technologie spatiale, notamment le développement de véhicules de lancement réutilisables (RLV), l'implication croissante de sociétés privées telles que Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin, etc. dans la recherche et le financement des explorations et des applications du tourisme spatial. Le public s'intéresse également de très près à ce secteur. Ces...
Le tourisme spatial commercial privé transportant des passagers dans l'espace n'est plus un fantasme lointain ou farfelu, il est au contraire sur le ...
Damayanti, Dian, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian, Royani, Esti
Privater kommerzieller Weltraumtourismus, der Passagiere in den Weltraum befördert, ist keine ferne oder weit hergeholte Fantasie mehr, sondern steht kurz davor, mit der exponentiellen Entwicklung der Weltraumtechnologie, einschließlich der Entwicklung wiederverwendbarer Trägerraketen (Reusable Launch Vehicle, RLV), und der zunehmenden Beteiligung privater Unternehmen wie Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin usw. an der Erforschung und Finanzierung von Anwendungen im Weltraum, zu einer erschwinglichen Realität zu werden. in die Erforschung und Finanzierung weltraumtouristischer...
Privater kommerzieller Weltraumtourismus, der Passagiere in den Weltraum befördert, ist keine ferne oder weit hergeholte Fantasie mehr, sondern steht...