The alternative of including artificial gingiva as a predictable treatment option for fixed partial restoration in patient with severe ridge defect. diagnosis and treatment planning for artificial gingiva from inception are most important for the successful outcome of every technique and may allow the team to plan a less invasive esthetic approach in any patient, decrease the number of clinical procedures and the time required for vertical ridge augmentation with commercially available materials to reproduce natural esthetic restoration.
The alternative of including artificial gingiva as a predictable treatment option for fixed partial restoration in patient with severe ridge defect. d...
Accurately diagnosing and treating TMDs can be a difficult and confusing task. Many patients have symptoms associated with more than one disorder and these relationships can make diagnosis and treatment decisions very difficult. This is often true primarily because patient's symptoms do not always fit into one classification. In many instances several classifications seem to be appropriate because in reality the patient is suffering from more than one disorder. In many patients, one disorder contributes to another. The interrelationship of the various TMDs always needs to be considered in the...
Accurately diagnosing and treating TMDs can be a difficult and confusing task. Many patients have symptoms associated with more than one disorder and ...