The population of both the fruit flies B. dorsalis and B. zonata prevailed throughout the year in mango orchard with their peak activity from 14th SMW to 31st SMW which coincided with the fruiting and harvesting period of fruits. The female of B. zonata laid eggs in clusters of 2 to 14 eggs just underneath the rind of fruit, 1-4 mm deep in the epidermis. The incubation period of eggs was 2.40±0.48 days, whereas the hatching percentage was 82.63±6.94 per cent. The maggot and pre-puparial periods were 7.20±1.51 and 0.77±0.11 days, respectively. The pupation took place at depth of 0.50 to...
The population of both the fruit flies B. dorsalis and B. zonata prevailed throughout the year in mango orchard with their peak activity from 14th SMW...
L'enquête sur l'incidence saisonnière des ravageurs et l'évaluation des modules de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs dans Lycopersicon esculentum Mill a été menée à la ferme d'enseignement K.V.K. située près du Collège d'agriculture, Université d'agriculture et de technologie d'Odisha, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi, Odisha, Inde au cours de la saison de culture 2020-21. Les ravageurs les plus importants trouvés sur les tomates étaient le ver du fruit de la tomate, la mineuse serpentine et l'aleurode, tandis que l'altise n'avait qu'une importance mineure. Le rapport coût-bénéfice...
L'enquête sur l'incidence saisonnière des ravageurs et l'évaluation des modules de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs dans Lycopersicon esculent...
The investigation on seasonal incidence of pests and evaluation of integrated pest management modules in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill was carried out at K.V.K. Instructional Farm located near College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi, Odisha, India during the cropping season 2020-21. The most significant pests found on tomatoes were tomato fruit worm, serpentine leaf miner, and whitefly, while flea beetle was of minor importance. The Incremental Cost Benefit Ratio was superior in T3-Neem oil (Multi Neem) @5ml/litre + chlorphenapyr 10 EC...
The investigation on seasonal incidence of pests and evaluation of integrated pest management modules in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill was carried out ...
The investigation on seasonal incidence of pests and evaluation of integrated pest management modules in Solanum melongena L. was carried out at K.V.K. Instructional Farm located near College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi, Odisha, India during the cropping season 2020-21. Fruit and shoot borer, whitefly, and jassid were the most significant pests found in brinjal, while epilachna beetle was of minor importance. All the treatments were significantly superior to untreated check but efficacy level varied between treatments. T3 produced...
The investigation on seasonal incidence of pests and evaluation of integrated pest management modules in Solanum melongena L. was carried out at K.V.K...
L'enquête sur l'incidence saisonnière des ravageurs et l'évaluation des modules de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs chez Solanum melongena L. a été menée à la ferme d'enseignement K.V.K. située près du College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi, Odisha, Inde, au cours de la saison de culture 2020-21. Le foreur des fruits et des pousses, l'aleurode et le jasside étaient les principaux ravageurs du brinjal, tandis que le coléoptère epilachna était de moindre importance. Tous les traitements ont été significativement...
L'enquête sur l'incidence saisonnière des ravageurs et l'évaluation des modules de lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs chez Solanum melongena L. ...