Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, the most common cancer in American women and the second leading cause of death in women aged 45-55 years. This disease affects about one million people worldwide every year; Of these, 320,000 people live in Europe and 200,000 live in America, which make up more than half of the total number of patients. This disease accounts for three to five percent of deaths in the western world and one to three percent of deaths in developing countries, but rarely occurs in Japan. In 2009, this cancer affected 192,370 American women, of which 40,170 cases...
Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, the most common cancer in American women and the second leading cause of death in women aged 45-55 ...
Neben Atemwegserkrankungen weisen Patienten mit der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) häufig kardiovaskuläre Manifestationen auf, die als bedeutende Risikofaktoren für eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit anerkannt sind. COVID-19-Patienten können ein breites klinisches Spektrum aufweisen, das von asymptomatischen Herzerkrankungen, die zufällig durch kardiale Untersuchungen (Troponin, BNP und Bildgebung) entdeckt werden, bis hin zum kardiogenen Schock und plötzlichen Herztod reicht. In diesem breiten klinischen Spektrum spielt die fortgeschrittene Bildgebung eine wichtige Rolle bei der...
Neben Atemwegserkrankungen weisen Patienten mit der Coronavirus-Krankheit 2019 (COVID-19) häufig kardiovaskuläre Manifestationen auf, die als bedeut...
While about 80% of those infected with the corona virus or Covid-19 experience mild symptoms, if you have heart disease, diabetes or cancer, the corona virus can be dangerous for you. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), anyone with heart disease, regardless of age, is at serious risk. Therefore, the risk of corona is very serious for heart patients and should be taken into consideration. As the coronavirus progresses, so does research on the connection between the coronavirus and heart disease. Research conducted in China, as the first place of infection, shows that this virus...
While about 80% of those infected with the corona virus or Covid-19 experience mild symptoms, if you have heart disease, diabetes or cancer, the coron...
The human heart is a precise and regular instrument that serves the whole body. This muscular organ is the size of a closed human fist and is located in the chest and slightly inclined to the left. The heart beats about 100,000 times a day and pumps about 8 pints of blood throughout the body every 24 hours. This work brings the blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs and also carries the waste materials with it. The heart sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where the blood is enriched with oxygen and carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products are discharged. The...
The human heart is a precise and regular instrument that serves the whole body. This muscular organ is the size of a closed human fist and is located ...
Other than respiratory disease, patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) commonly have cardiovascular manifestations, which are recognized as significant risk factors for increased mortality. COVID-19 patients may present with a wide spectrum of clinical presentations ranging from asymptomatic heart disease detected incidentally by cardiac investigations (troponin, BNP, and imaging) to cardiogenic shock and sudden cardiac death. In this broad clinical course, advanced imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis of different patterns of myocardial injury, risk stratification of...
Other than respiratory disease, patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) commonly have cardiovascular manifestations, which are recognized as...
La section d'imagerie cardiaque et pulmonaire de la radiologie de l'UCSF se consacre à la réalisation en toute sécurité des examens d'imagerie clinique les plus récents des systèmes respiratoire et cardiovasculaire à l'aide de modalités d'imagerie avancées, telles que des examens CTA et CT détaillés.Référence incontournable depuis plus de dix ans, Thoracic Imaging est votre source unique pour une couverture actuelle et précise des infections pulmonaires, des maladies pulmonaires diffuses, des masses médiastinales, de la tomodensitométrie des artères coronaires, des maladies...
La section d'imagerie cardiaque et pulmonaire de la radiologie de l'UCSF se consacre à la réalisation en toute sécurité des examens d'imagerie cli...