Venkata Naganjaneyulu, Dr K, Lakshmi Shiva Parvathi, K, Gnana Harisih Babu, K
Utility computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords in the ICT industry.Numerous IT vendors are promising to offer computation, storage, and application hosting services and to provide coverage in several continents, offering service-level agreements (SLA)-backed performance and uptime promises for their services.While these "clouds" are the natural evolution of traditional data centers, they are distinguished by exposing resources (computation, data/storage, and applications) as standards-based Web services and following a "utility" pricing model where customers are charged based...
Utility computing has recently emerged as one of the buzzwords in the ICT industry.Numerous IT vendors are promising to offer computation, storage, an...
In PRD, to achieve read access permission and write access permission, we adopt the Key- Aggregate Encryption (KAE) and the Improved Attribute-based Signature (IABS) respectively. In PUD, we construct a new multi-authority ciphertest policy attribute-based encryption CP-ABE scheme with efficient decryption to avoid the issues of single point of failure and complicated key distribution, and design an efficient attribute revocation method for it. The analysis and simulation result show that our scheme is feasible and superior to protect users' privacy in cloud-based services.
In PRD, to achieve read access permission and write access permission, we adopt the Key- Aggregate Encryption (KAE) and the Improved Attribute-based S...
- Data structures provide a means of managing large amounts of data, enabling efficient searching, sorting, insertion, and deletion of data.- The choice of data structure for a particular task depends on the type and amount of data to be processed, the operations that need to be performed on the data, and the efficiency requirements of the program. - Efficient use of data structures can greatly improve the performance of a program, making it faster and more memory-efficient.- The idea is to reduce the space and time complexities of different tasks. - The choice of a good data structure makes...
- Data structures provide a means of managing large amounts of data, enabling efficient searching, sorting, insertion, and deletion of data.- The choi...
Dans le cas du PRD, pour obtenir l'autorisation d'accès en lecture et l'autorisation d'accès en écriture, nous adoptons respectivement le chiffrement par agrégat de clés (KAE) et la signature améliorée basée sur les attributs (IABS). Dans le cas de la PUD, nous construisons un nouveau schéma de chiffrement basé sur les attributs (CP-ABE) multi-autorités avec un déchiffrement efficace pour éviter les problèmes de point de défaillance unique et de distribution compliquée des clés, et nous concevons une méthode efficace de révocation des attributs pour ce schéma. L'analyse et...
Dans le cas du PRD, pour obtenir l'autorisation d'accès en lecture et l'autorisation d'accès en écriture, nous adoptons respectivement le chiffreme...
In PRD verwenden wir zur Erlangung von Lese- und Schreibzugriffsrechten die Schlüssel-Aggregat-Verschlüsselung (KAE) bzw. die verbesserte attributbasierte Signatur (IABS). In PUD konstruieren wir ein neues Multi-Autoritäts-Ciphertest-Policy-Attribut-basiertes Verschlüsselungsschema (CP-ABE) mit effizienter Entschlüsselung, um die Probleme des Single-Point-of-Failure und der komplizierten Schlüsselverteilung zu vermeiden, und entwerfen eine effiziente Attribut-Widerrufsmethode dafür. Die Analyse und das Simulationsergebnis zeigen, dass unser Verfahren praktikabel und überlegen ist, um...
In PRD verwenden wir zur Erlangung von Lese- und Schreibzugriffsrechten die Schlüssel-Aggregat-Verschlüsselung (KAE) bzw. die verbesserte attributba...