This is a comprehensive book on Sociology in which the theoretical aspects have been explained lucidly with adequate examples from the field. This shall serve as a textbook in sociology in Agricultural universities, colleges, training institutes and also as a handbook for the government workers in departments like Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary, Fishery, Forestry, Sericulture etc. and in organizations like Banks, Voluntary agencies, NGOs, Krishi Vigyan Kendras etc. Organic agriculture arose from the purposeful efforts of inspired people, who wanted to build the finest...
This is a comprehensive book on Sociology in which the theoretical aspects have been explained lucidly with adequate examples from the field. This sha...
These are some short stories from my life. Some memories, experiences, short anecdotes, pages from my journal. It is ironical that sometimes it is easy to share and sometimes it is difficult. Sad memories take you to roads that you don't want to tread anymore.
These are some short stories from my life. Some memories, experiences, short anecdotes, pages from my journal. It is ironical that sometimes it is eas...