Farmers usually give prime importance to few cultural practices and neglect other factors like weed control. Maize crop gets infested with variety of weeds and subjected to heavy weed competition, which often inflicts huge losses ranging from 28 to 100 %. Weed management strategies attempt to limit the deleterious effects of weeds growing with crop plants. These effects could be quite variable, but the most common is competition for available resources. The quantities of growth factors used by weeds are thus unavailable to the crop. The extent of nutrient loss varies from 30-40 % of the...
Farmers usually give prime importance to few cultural practices and neglect other factors like weed control. Maize crop gets infested with variety of ...
Gampa, Sai Ram, Dawson, Prof.(Dr.) Joy, Ramavath, Nagasaivardhan Naik
Maize is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as "queen of cereals" because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals.Maize is one of the crops most sensitive to Zinc deficiency. Zn is a micronutrient which enhances the grain productivity in the maize production. The supply of Zn in the crops can be done directly on the soil, as fertilizers, via foliar fertilization or seed treatments. Boron application improves growth, and enhances stress tolerance in plants and improves grain...
Maize is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as "queen ...
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) belongs to family Pedaliaceae, commonly known as til, ellu, beniseed, simsim in India. It is one of the important edible oil seeds cultivated in India since ancient times. Sesame is called as "Queen of oil seed crop" by virtue of its excellent quality. Sesame is drought tolerant crop of semiarid regions. It is superior to other oil seed crop due to adaptability to varied agro-climatic condition and higher degree of drought tolerance. Sulphur is one of the essential elements required for the normal growth of plants and it plays an important role as a constituent of...
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) belongs to family Pedaliaceae, commonly known as til, ellu, beniseed, simsim in India. It is one of the important edible o...
Maize (Zea mays L.) ranks 3rd as a food-grain crop after wheat and rice. Maize cobs are used as a vegetable is known as baby corn. Baby corn having unfertilized young cobs harvested 2 or 3 days after silk emergence. The productivity of baby corn entirely depends on extent of successful completion of crop growth for exploiting their full genetic potential and properly integrated with environmental conditions in which it is grown. However, role of balanced and adequate nutrition is recognized as one of the important factors in realizing the maximum yield of baby corn. Besides, the major primary...
Maize (Zea mays L.) ranks 3rd as a food-grain crop after wheat and rice. Maize cobs are used as a vegetable is known as baby corn. Baby corn having un...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most crucial cereal food crop of India, which occupies about 24% of gross cropped area of the country. It contributes 42% of total food grain production and 45% of total cereal production of the country.Thus rice production in India as well as in several other Asian countries must be doubled by the year 2025 to meet the requirement of the increasing population. The genetic classification of rice plant belongs to the genus Oryza of family Graminae (Poaceae). The Oryza genus is divided into four species complexes: O. sativa, O. officinalis, O. ridley and O....
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most crucial cereal food crop of India, which occupies about 24% of gross cropped area of the country. It contributes 42...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food crop for more than half of the world's population and its cultivation secures livelihood for more than two billion people. Rice is said to be on the fore front in the fight against the world's hunger and poverty. India occupies a prime position in rice production among the food crops cultivated in the world. It is the major staple food crop of India and occupies the largest cropped area of 43.39 m ha with an annual production of 104.32 million tonnes with a productivity of 2404 kg/ha. Sulphur is one of the essential elements required for the normal...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food crop for more than half of the world's population and its cultivation secures livelihood for more than two b...
Reis (Oryza sativa L.) ist eines der wichtigsten Grundnahrungsmittel der Welt und eine der Hauptkohlenhydratquellen für fast die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung. Mehr als 90 % des Reises werden jedoch in Asien produziert und verzehrt, wo er für einen Großteil der Bevölkerung, darunter 560 Millionen hungernde Menschen, ein Grundnahrungsmittel ist. Indien kann auf eine lange Geschichte des Reisanbaus zurückblicken und steht bei der Reisanbaufläche an erster und bei der Reisproduktion an zweiter Stelle nach China (Yadav et al., Phosphordefizit ist ein wichtiger einschränkender Faktor für...
Reis (Oryza sativa L.) ist eines der wichtigsten Grundnahrungsmittel der Welt und eine der Hauptkohlenhydratquellen für fast die Hälfte der WeltbevÃ...
Diddikati, Kiran Kumar, C., Dr. Umesha, Ramavath, Nagasaivardhan Naik
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple cereal crops in the world and it is one of the main source of carbohydrates for nearly one half of the world population. However, more than 90% of the rice is produced and consumed in Asia, where it is a staple for a majority of the population, including the region's 560 million hungry people. India has a long history of rice cultivation and stands first in rice area and second in rice production, after china (Yadav et al., 2010).Phosphorus deficit is a most important restrictive factor in plant growth and recognition of mechanisms...
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple cereal crops in the world and it is one of the main source of carbohydrates for nearly one ...