The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm, Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, during the Kharif season of the year 2016-17 to study population dynamics and bio-efficacy of new insecticides against insect pests of chilli. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 9 treatments replicated three times. The treatments comprised of fipronil 5 SC @ 1000 ml/ha, hexythiaziox 5.45EC @ 500 ml/ha, spinosad 45 SC @ 187.5 ml/ha, acetamiprid 20 SP @ 250 g/ha, fenpyroximate 5 EC @ 600 ml/ha, emamectin benzoate 5...
The experiment was conducted at Experimental Research Farm, Department of Agricultural Entomology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbha...
The investigations were carried out to study the population dynamics of major pests in cotton and their correlation with weather parameters, Besides this, Bio-efficacy of newer insecticides against bollworm complex in cotton studied during Kharif 2018.The peak incidence of 20.4 aphids per three leaves was recorded in 40th SMW. Incidence of jassids started from 29th SMW (3.9 jassids/three leaves) which reached its 1st peak (10.2 jassids/ three leaves) in 31th SMW and 2nd peak (21.60 jassids/three leaves) in 37th SMW. The incidence of thrips population per three leaves started from 29th SMW...
The investigations were carried out to study the population dynamics of major pests in cotton and their correlation with weather parameters, Besides t...
The data recorded during the surveys revealed that the maximum population of thrips were recorded at Degaon (17.2/10 cm twig) during first survey and during second survey at Laxmitakali (19.1/ 10 cm twig) Lowest population noticed at Laxmitakali (4.5/10 cm twig) and Bondale (4.0/10 cm twig) during first and second survey respectively. The maximum population of Aphids were recorded from Tisangi (17.1 aphids/10 cm twig) during first survey and during second survey at Bhalvani (14.6 aphids /10 cm twig). The lowest population of aphid seen at Maololi (5.1/10 cm twig) during first survey and...
The data recorded during the surveys revealed that the maximum population of thrips were recorded at Degaon (17.2/10 cm twig) during first survey and ...