Singh, Mayank Kumar, Tiwari, S K, Kashyap, Deepak Kumar
ABOUT THE BOOKThis book is mainly intended for the researchers of veterinary anaesthesiology. This book is strictly prepared with an objective to give a thorough outlook of various topics as per requirement and research. The information is aimed to provide an elementary knowledge of different changes of anaesthetics, included previous works, clinical, physiological and biochemical changes. Special emphasis has been given over the clinical changes and haemodynamics.The authors of this book have compiled its content very nicely to make it a reference material for the researchers and further...
ABOUT THE BOOKThis book is mainly intended for the researchers of veterinary anaesthesiology. This book is strictly prepared with an objective to give...
Red Cabbage (magenta to purplish) was first described in England in 1570, all of the early varieties being round-headed. Now there are red varieties of all the various head shapes. The 'red' colour is confined to the 'skin' of each leaf and stem. The cells beneath, possessing normal green or white colour, when cut before cooking, a head of red cabbage presents a pretty contrast of red and white. Savoy-leaved and red cabbages are little grown in the United States. Red varieties, however, are popular in Northern Europe and Savoyed varieties in the warmer parts of Europe. Most cabbage grown in...
Red Cabbage (magenta to purplish) was first described in England in 1570, all of the early varieties being round-headed. Now there are red varieties o...