Die Wissenschaft der Kieferorthopädie hat das Problem der "Retention und des Rückfalls" hervorgebracht, das noch immer ein chronisches Problem für Forscher und Praktiker auf diesem Gebiet darstellt. Die Kapitel über Retention und Rückfall sind in den meisten kieferorthopädischen Lehrbüchern enthalten, von Angle bis zu den heutigen Autoren. Die Aufrechterhaltung eines intakten Gebisses wird zu einem Hauptziel der kieferorthopädischen Therapie, da genau definierte Beziehungen die vollständige Ergänzung der Zähne in beiden Bögen erfordern. Das Ziel der modernen Kieferorthopädie ist...
Die Wissenschaft der Kieferorthopädie hat das Problem der "Retention und des Rückfalls" hervorgebracht, das noch immer ein chronisches Problem für ...
The study of genes, from molecules to populations, is known as genetics. In dentistry, even within families, there are many variations in people's dentofacial traits. When we analyze a certain characteristic or condition in dentistry, we frequently find that it is the result of two main causes, genetic and environmental. The discussion will center on how genetics may have a role in common dental conditions such dental caries, periodontal disease, and malocclusion, the genetic abnormalities that occurred during the development of teeth.
The study of genes, from molecules to populations, is known as genetics. In dentistry, even within families, there are many variations in people's den...
A Visual Treatment Objective (VTO) is like a blueprint or a visual plan to forecast the normal growth of the patient and the anticipated influences of treatment, to establish the individual objectives we want to achieve for that patient. Treatment for a growing patient must be planned. Treatment for a patient who is growing must be scheduled according to growth changes rather than the patient's initial skeletal structure. Developing pretreatment growth profiles of our patients helps to overcome our inadequacies in growth forecasting.
A Visual Treatment Objective (VTO) is like a blueprint or a visual plan to forecast the normal growth of the patient and the anticipated influences of...
The science of Orthodontics gave rise to the "retention and relapse" issue, which is still a chronic difficulty for researchers and practitioners in the field. The chapters on retention and relapse have been included in the writings of the majority of Orthodontic textbook authors, from Angle to the current writers. Maintaining an intact dentition becomes a key objective of Orthodontic therapy because accurately defined relationships necessitate the full complement of teeth in both arches. The goal of Modern Orthodontics is creation of best balance among occlusal relations, dental and facial...
The science of Orthodontics gave rise to the "retention and relapse" issue, which is still a chronic difficulty for researchers and practitioners in t...
La science de l'orthodontie a donné naissance à la question de la rétention et de la récidive, qui constitue toujours une difficulté chronique pour les chercheurs et les praticiens dans ce domaine. Les chapitres sur la rétention et la récidive ont été inclus dans les écrits de la majorité des auteurs de manuels d'orthodontie, depuis Angle jusqu'aux auteurs actuels. Le maintien d'une dentition intacte devient un objectif clé de la thérapie orthodontique, car des relations définies avec précision nécessitent un complément complet de dents dans les deux arcades. Le but de...
La science de l'orthodontie a donné naissance à la question de la rétention et de la récidive, qui constitue toujours une difficulté chronique po...