Fundamentals of Oral Health Care for people with special needs delivers a comprehensive and robust overview of special care in dentistry reflecting the commonly encountered Oro-Facial problems among individuals with disabilities. This book covers the introduction to special groups and treatment management of developmentally disabled and medically compromised patients with dental needs. Guidance to dental professionals about the similarities and differences between a traditional dental practice and a practice dedicated to special care is also featured.
Fundamentals of Oral Health Care for people with special needs delivers a comprehensive and robust overview of special care in dentistry reflecting th...
This book mainly provides a comprehensive view of environment friendly dental practice. It covers a broad range of topics from explaining the meaning of green dentistry and hoe a routine dental practice affects the environment to the ways in which we can go hand in hand with the environment while practicing dentistry.With an increased concern about climatic changes that our world is dealing with, it has become essential to bring our budding dentist's conscious into their practice without causing any harm to the nature.
This book mainly provides a comprehensive view of environment friendly dental practice. It covers a broad range of topics from explaining the meaning ...
Genes represent hereditary blueprints of humans. Genetics plays a key role in the etiology of many body disorders. Appropriate knowledge regarding genetic diseases leads to a better understanding of the genetic basis of disorders thus facilitating early detection in high risk subjects. With advancements in molecular biology over the years, the scope of genetics has been expanded to the dental profession as well. This aims covers current applications of human genetics in the etiopathogenesis of various disorders affecting the oral cavity along with preventive and treatment measures for such...
Genes represent hereditary blueprints of humans. Genetics plays a key role in the etiology of many body disorders. Appropriate knowledge regarding gen...
In this book, we set forth on an enlightening expedition through the complex fabric of societal inequalities and their deep-seated influence on oral health. With meticulous precision, this book dissects the multifaceted layers of privilege and disadvantage, examining how factors like income, education, race, and geography shape the fate of one's oral health.By shedding light on the often-overlooked link between social inequalities and oral health, this book beckons us to dismantle the barriers that prevent every individual from enjoying the simple yet profound joy of a healthy smile.
In this book, we set forth on an enlightening expedition through the complex fabric of societal inequalities and their deep-seated influence on oral h...
Ce livre offre une vue d'ensemble de la pratique dentaire respectueuse de l'environnement. Il couvre un large éventail de sujets allant de l'explication de la signification de la dentisterie verte et de la manière dont une pratique dentaire de routine affecte l'environnement aux façons dont nous pouvons aller de pair avec l'environnement tout en pratiquant la dentisterie.Face à l'inquiétude croissante suscitée par les changements climatiques auxquels notre monde est confronté, il est devenu essentiel d'amener nos dentistes en herbe à prendre conscience de la nécessité d'exercer leur...
Ce livre offre une vue d'ensemble de la pratique dentaire respectueuse de l'environnement. Il couvre un large éventail de sujets allant de l'explicat...
Es hat sich gezeigt, dass pflanzliche Arzneimittel eine breite Palette biologischer Eigenschaften wie antimikrobielle, antioxidative und entzündungshemmende Wirkungen besitzen. Theophrastus stellte zu Recht fest: "Alles, was der Mensch für Gesundheit und Heilung braucht, hat Gott in der Natur bereitgestellt; die Herausforderung der Wissenschaft besteht darin, es zu finden." Die Verwendung von Pflanzen und Kräutern für die Zahnpflege ist ein weit verbreitetes indigenes Medizinsystem und muss in den Alltag integriert werden. Die Wirkprinzipien von Pflanzen sollten in die moderne Praxis der...
Es hat sich gezeigt, dass pflanzliche Arzneimittel eine breite Palette biologischer Eigenschaften wie antimikrobielle, antioxidative und entzündungsh...