Naviguer les Défis Mentaux pour la Victoire Personnelle"Description:"Dans 'L'Esprit en Jeu', je plonge dans les profondeurs de la psyché humaine, explorant la manière dont notre mentalité façonne notre expérience dans le jeu de la vie. De la résilience à la pleine réalisation de notre potentiel, ce livre dévoile les secrets pour maîtriser les défis mentaux qui se dressent sur notre chemin.À travers des anecdotes perspicaces et des analyses approfondies, nous découvrons comment la gestion des émotions, la prise de décision et la concentration sont les piliers de la victoire...
Naviguer les Défis Mentaux pour la Victoire Personnelle"Description:"Dans 'L'Esprit en Jeu', je plonge dans les profondeurs de la psyché humaine, ex...
Immergiti nel mondo della forza mentale con l'entusiasmante opera di Sami Duymaz, noto anche come Samuel Samiris. Questo libro è più di una semplice guida: è una bussola verso una vita appagante e potente.Volume 1:Scopri come utilizzare la resilienza come risorsa chiave per affrontare le sfide. L'autore presenta strategie efficaci per gestire pressioni, paure ed emozioni negative, trasformandole in energia trasformativa. Attraverso ispiranti esempi tratti dal mondo dello sport ad alto livello, imparerai a sbloccare il tuo pieno potenziale.Volume 2:Il viaggio si approfondisce nel mondo...
Immergiti nel mondo della forza mentale con l'entusiasmante opera di Sami Duymaz, noto anche come Samuel Samiris. Questo libro è più di una semplice...
Zihinsel gücün güç merkezi 2Oyundaki psikoloji ve duygusallik.Zihinsel gücünüzü bir sonraki seviyeye nasil tasiyabileceginizi deneyimleyin! "Zihinsel Güç Santrali 2" artik Türkçe olarak da yayinda.Bu kitap, daha önce birinci ciltte sunulmus olan, sporda ruha iliskin kapsamli görüslerin kapsamini genisletmektedir. Kendi üzerine düsünmenin, yeni farkindaligin ve korkular, baski ve basarisizlik korkusu üzerindeki kontrolün performansinizi nasil önemli ölçüde artirabilecegini gösterir.Bu kitabi neden okumalisiniz?Derinlemesine teknikler ve bilgiler: Ilk cildin temellerini...
Zihinsel gücün güç merkezi 2Oyundaki psikoloji ve duygusallik.Zihinsel gücünüzü bir sonraki seviyeye nasil tasiyabileceginizi deneyimleyin! "Z...
"Considerations of Soul Pain" is a book that deals with the various aspects of emotional injuries and inner conflicts. It explores how the psyche reacts to external injuries and develops complex mechanisms to deal with the pain. The reader is invited to consider the impact of mental anguish on prominent figures and to recognize that no one is immune to it, regardless of external success or happiness.The book encourages us to become aware of how mental pain influences our behavior and how we can learn to better understand ourselves and others. It is a guide to an inner journey of healing and...
"Considerations of Soul Pain" is a book that deals with the various aspects of emotional injuries and inner conflicts. It explores how the psyche reac...
I "The Power Plant Mental Strength 2" fortsætter Sami Duymaz aka Samuel Samiris sin fascinerende ekspedition ind i en verden af mental styrke. Dette bind dykker især ned i hemmelighederne bag følelsesmæssig intelligens og giver praktisk indsigt i, hvordan man ikke kun forstår den, men også bruger den som en nøgle til succes.Bogens centrale temaer inkluderer:Slip følelsesmæssig intelligens løs: Læsere lærer, hvordan de bedre forstår og håndterer deres følelser for at handle klart og målrettet i forskellige situationer.Nøglen til succes: Bogen viser, hvordan følelsesmæssig...
I "The Power Plant Mental Strength 2" fortsætter Sami Duymaz aka Samuel Samiris sin fascinerende ekspedition ind i en verden af mental styrke. Dett...
Sami Duymaz to znany autor i psycholog sportu, który zaslynal w dziedzinie sportu dzieki swoim innowacyjnym podejsciu oraz glebokiemu zrozumieniu ludzkiej psychiki i emocjonalnosci. Jego bestseller "Potega sily psychicznej 1 i 2" stal sie znany na calym swiecie i zainspirowal wielu sportowców do osiagania najwyzszych wyników.Dzieki tlumaczeniom na kilka jezyków udalo mu sie dotrzec do jeszcze wiekszej liczby czytelników, a tym samym dotrzec takze do wielu sportowców w róznych krajach. Jego ksiazki wywarly wplyw nie tylko na mistrzów swiata i zawodowych sportowców, ale takze na...
Sami Duymaz to znany autor i psycholog sportu, który zaslynal w dziedzinie sportu dzieki swoim innowacyjnym podejsciu oraz glebokiemu zrozumieniu lud...
In de moderne topsport is naast de fysieke fitheid ook de mentale fitheid van belang. Sami Duymaz' "Bronnen van mentale kracht: de krachtpatser van mentale kracht" is een boek dat zich bezighoudt met het psychologische aspect. De auteur geeft een gedetailleerde analyse van de bronnen van psychologische kracht en de toepassing ervan in de sport en biedt waardevol advies voor atleten en stagiairsIn het eerste deel van het boek richt de auteur zich op de invloed van mentale kwaliteiten op prestaties in topsport. Door middel van casestudies en inzichten van experts leren lezers hoe belangrijk...
In de moderne topsport is naast de fysieke fitheid ook de mentale fitheid van belang. Sami Duymaz' "Bronnen van mentale kracht: de krachtpatser van me...
"Considerations of Soul Pain" is a book that deals with the various aspects of emotional injuries and inner conflicts. It explores how the psyche reacts to external injuries and develops complex mechanisms to deal with the pain. The reader is invited to consider the impact of mental anguish on prominent figures and to recognize that no one is immune to it, regardless of external success or happiness.The book encourages us to become aware of how mental pain influences our behavior and how we can learn to better understand ourselves and others. It is a guide to an inner journey of healing and...
"Considerations of Soul Pain" is a book that deals with the various aspects of emotional injuries and inner conflicts. It explores how the psyche reac...
"In 'Subordination, Faith and Awakening', Samuel Samiris explores the complex topics of the human psyche and social dependencies. The book offers an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that shape our thinking and sometimes hold it captive. It illuminates the topics of subordination and belief and stimulates encourages the reader to think by critically questioning current social structures and showing the path to individual awakening.In seven compelling chapters, the book explores the limits of human faith and the subtle shackles that often unconsciously bind us. Samiris calls on you to...
"In 'Subordination, Faith and Awakening', Samuel Samiris explores the complex topics of the human psyche and social dependencies. The book offers an i...