Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni
Die Leistung von Photovoltaik (PV)-Solarmodulen kann durch den Staub, der sich auf den Solarmodulen abgelagert hat, erheblich beeinträchtigt werden. Dadurch wird eine Barriere zwischen den Sonnenstrahlen und dem Modul geschaffen. Daher ist es äußerst wichtig, die Module sauber zu halten, damit die Leistung und der Energieertrag des Solarkraftwerks gesteigert werden können. Diskussion über den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in Robotern, die als künstliche Agenten für den Raum und die Wartung von PV-Solarmodulen arbeiten und so deren Effizienz erhöhen.Missionen zur Erforschung des...
Die Leistung von Photovoltaik (PV)-Solarmodulen kann durch den Staub, der sich auf den Solarmodulen abgelagert hat, erheblich beeinträchtigt werden. ...
Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni, Royani, Esti, Purwo W, Dr. Agus
In the law Policy of management policy for road construction and settlement in the soft land of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. The construction of road infrastructure to support the development of the Archipelago's Capital City through forest areas is one of the implementation of national priority development. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 23 of 2019. Strategic Roads in Forest Areas are special roads built in Forest Areas by the Central Government as part of forest management that can be used for national strategic interests that...
In the law Policy of management policy for road construction and settlement in the soft land of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. The con...
Damayanti, Dian, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian, Royani, Esti
Le tourisme spatial commercial privé transportant des passagers dans l'espace n'est plus un fantasme lointain ou farfelu, il est au contraire sur le point de devenir une réalité abordable grâce au développement exponentiel de la technologie spatiale, notamment le développement de véhicules de lancement réutilisables (RLV), l'implication croissante de sociétés privées telles que Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin, etc. dans la recherche et le financement des explorations et des applications du tourisme spatial. Le public s'intéresse également de très près à ce secteur. Ces...
Le tourisme spatial commercial privé transportant des passagers dans l'espace n'est plus un fantasme lointain ou farfelu, il est au contraire sur le ...
Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni
Les performances des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques (PV) peuvent être considérablement affectées par la poussière qui s'est déposée sur les panneaux solaires. Cette poussière crée une barrière entre les rayons du soleil et le panneau. Il est donc extrêmement important de maintenir les modules propres, afin d'augmenter la puissance et la production d'énergie de la centrale solaire. Discussion sur l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle dans les robots, qui fonctionnent comme des agents artificiels pour l'espace et l'entretien des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques,...
Les performances des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques (PV) peuvent être considérablement affectées par la poussière qui s'est déposée sur les ...
Chandra, Dr. Alex, Royani, Esti, Srikusuma, Dr. M.Rohmidhi
The law of the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) has begun to address the issue of waste and hazardous and toxic waste (B3) generated at the IKN construction site. Manage Waste in IKN, Ministry of PUPR Collaborates with BNI to Establish Waste Bank.The government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) seeks to anticipate waste problems that can arise in the Residential Construction Worker (HPK) area of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). For this reason, the Ministry of PUPR will collaborate and cooperate with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or Bank BNI...
The law of the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) has begun to address the issue of waste and hazardous and toxic waste (B3) generated at the IKN cons...
Nurtjahjo, Dr. Arief, Royani, Esti, Setiawati M.SI, Dra. Eka
The "Ship Rampcheck Inspection" consisted of Policy Analysis of Young Experts Coordinator of Shipping and ASDP Transport and Shipping Division Staff of the East Kalimantan Provincial Transportation Office, Head of UPT. Melak Port / Pier and West Kutai Regency Transportation Office Staff, and West Kutai Regency Police.The purpose and objective of this activity is to follow up on the Letter from the Director General of Land Transportation: AP.201/1/6/DJPD/2023, dated 17 February 2023 regarding the Inspection of Operational Readiness of SDP Transportation Infrastructure during the Lebaran...
The "Ship Rampcheck Inspection" consisted of Policy Analysis of Young Experts Coordinator of Shipping and ASDP Transport and Shipping Division Staff o...
Royani, Esti, Wamafma,, Dr. Filep, Saea, Enny Martha
Cluster Economy is: Clean Technology Industry Cluster Integrated Pharmaceutical Cluster Sustainable Agriculture Industry Cluster Ecotourism and health tourism cluster Chemicals and Chemical Derivatives Cluster Low Carbon Energy Cluster.The Indonesian government continues to view the economy in 2022 optimistically because it already has a good foundation, where national economic growth grew quite high, reaching 5.01% in the first quarter of 2022. In addition, Indonesia's GDP per capita has also increased from US$3,172 in 2010 to US$4,350 in 2021.In the midst of this growth achievement, the...
Cluster Economy is: Clean Technology Industry Cluster Integrated Pharmaceutical Cluster Sustainable Agriculture Industry Cluster Ecotourism and health...
Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panel system performance can be considerably affected by the dust that has been deposited over the solar arrays. This thereby, created a barrier between the sun rays and the panel. Thus, it is extremely important to maintain the modules clean, so that the power and energy output of the solar power plant can be augmented. Discussion about the use of artificial intelligence in robots, which work as artificial agents for the space and maintenance of PV solar panels, thereby increasing its efficiency.Deep space exploration missions have received a lot of attention in the...
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panel system performance can be considerably affected by the dust that has been deposited over the solar arrays. This thereby,...
Royani, Esti, Damayanti, Dian, Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni
The Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) is drafting a legal umbrella for the recognition, protection and promotion of the local wisdom of communities that once existed in the new capital city. According to the plan, it will take the form of a regulation of the Head of the IKN Authority. On the other hand, the community has asked the government to identify and subsequently recognise indigenous communities around IKN.From among the 120, ten villages entered the Capital Region of the Archipelago, a century later. The population of the ten villages in the early 20th century totalled 1,170 people....
The Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) is drafting a legal umbrella for the recognition, protection and promotion of the local wisdom of communities ...