Damayanti, Dian, Simamora. Ph.D, Prof. Parulian, Royani, Esti
Private commercial space tourism carrying passengers to outer space is no longer a distant or far-fetched fantasy, rather it is at verge of becoming an affordable reality with exponential development in space technology including development of Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), increasing involvement of private companies like Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin etc. Into research and funding of space tourism explorations and applications. It is also receiving huge attention from the public. These developments reflect the infinite possibilities and inevitability of space tourism in near future....
Private commercial space tourism carrying passengers to outer space is no longer a distant or far-fetched fantasy, rather it is at verge of becoming a...
The tourism investment law West Papua province. There are frequent violations of investment procedures in the field of Tourism in West Papua. The issues raised, namely tourism investment procedures and legal consequences for foreign investors who do not implement investment procedures in West Papua investors who do not implement investment procedures in West Papua. Legislation and facts. The regulation of foreign investment procedures in the field of hospitality in Bali is regulated in Article 5 and Article 12 of Law No. 25 of 2007 on Investment.Investment No. 5 of 2013 on Guidelines and...
The tourism investment law West Papua province. There are frequent violations of investment procedures in the field of Tourism in West Papua. The issu...
Gultom, Dr. Ir. Juni, Royani, Esti, Damayanti, Dian
The meeting was chaired by Head of Bappeda Kobar Amir Hadi and also attended by Commission C DPRD Wanti Septia Utami and attended by PUPR Office, Health Office, PMD Office, Environment Office, Education and Culture Office, PDAM Kobar Regency, Central Kalimantan Provincial Coordinator and Kobar Regency Coordinator. Head of Bappeda Amir hadi said the preparation of this document is to strengthen the capacity of the Kobar District Government in carrying out its mandate on the management of district-scale water supply and sanitation development towards 100% access. Amir explained that RAD AMPL...
The meeting was chaired by Head of Bappeda Kobar Amir Hadi and also attended by Commission C DPRD Wanti Septia Utami and attended by PUPR Office, Heal...
Royani, Esti, Damayanti, Dian, Pancasilawati, Prof. Dr. Abnan
La mise en oeuvre de l'éducation holistique e- Learning a été largement réalisée, mais peu l'ont étudiée en relation avec les aspects du développement de l'utilisation des technologies de communication et d'information dans le monde de l'éducation. En raison de l'apparition soudaine de la pandémie mondiale de COVID-19, le paradigme éducatif doit être modifié pour passer à une nouvelle ère d'éducation en ligne à tous les niveaux tout en maintenant les objectifs de développement durable (ODD). L'étude vise à analyser la mise en oeuvre de l'enseignement en ligne en se...
La mise en oeuvre de l'éducation holistique e- Learning a été largement réalisée, mais peu l'ont étudiée en relation avec les aspects du dével...
Kusumawati, Mayor Adm Endah, Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti
The purpose of writing this article is to review the regulation of the operation of unmanned aerial ships (drones) and air Taxi in transportation the territory of the State of Indonesia and capital city Nusantara. This paper was compiled using a normative law writing method that examines literature sources that use an approach to the problems used in terms of the applicable law in Indonesia related to the operation of unmanned aerial ships (drones) in Indonesian territory. The results of the discussion show that the regulations issued by the government are very important in order to support...
The purpose of writing this article is to review the regulation of the operation of unmanned aerial ships (drones) and air Taxi in transportation the ...
Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Syamsunasir, Prof. Dr.
Einer der Faktoren, der die Entwicklung in Indonesien und vielen anderen Ländern behindert, ist das Problem der Drogen und des Terrorismus. In dieser Arbeit sollen die Auswirkungen der Verwendung von und des Handels mit Betäubungsmitteln in Indonesien sowie die Strafverfolgung von Betäubungsmittelkriminalität in Indonesien analysiert werden. Die verwendete Methode ist soziojuristisch und verwendet einen gesetzlichen Ansatz, einen Fallansatz und Kriminologie. Bei den verwendeten Daten handelt es sich um Primär- und Sekundärdaten, die durch Interviews, Literatur- und Dokumentenstudium...
Einer der Faktoren, der die Entwicklung in Indonesien und vielen anderen Ländern behindert, ist das Problem der Drogen und des Terrorismus. In dieser...
Regulated in Act number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendment to Act number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, legal arrangements other than in the Information and Electronic Transaction Act of carding crimes can be formulated in the Criminal Code with use the method of extensive interpretation of the articles contained in the Criminal Code namely Article 362, 363 and 378 of the Criminal Code which is about theft and fraud, then in Indonesia the regulation of carding crime is regulated according to the mode of operation in a special law outside the Criminal Code namely...
Regulated in Act number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendment to Act number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, legal arrangement...
Damayanti, Dian, Royani, Esti, Syamsunasir, Prof. Dr.
L'un des facteurs qui entravent le développement de l'Indonésie et de nombreux autres pays est le problème des stupéfiants et du terrorisme. Ce document a pour but d'analyser l'impact de l'utilisation et du trafic de stupéfiants en Indonésie et l'application de la loi sur les crimes liés aux stupéfiants en Indonésie. La méthode utilisée est socio-juridique en utilisant une approche statutaire, une approche par cas et la criminologie. Les données utilisées sont des données primaires et secondaires par le biais d'entretiens, d'une étude documentaire et d'une étude des documents....
L'un des facteurs qui entravent le développement de l'Indonésie et de nombreux autres pays est le problème des stupéfiants et du terrorisme. Ce do...