The maxilla is the structural support between the skull base and the occlusal plane, resisting the forces of mastication, anchoring the dentition, separating the oral and nasal cavities, supporting the globe, and supporting the face and its mimetic musculature. The soft tissue of the midface is draped over the bony framework of the maxilla and provides much of the facial appearance and identity that is unique to each individual. The importance of various defects of maxilla and associated treatment plan, various types of flaps to rectify the defects all are discussed briefly in this book.
The maxilla is the structural support between the skull base and the occlusal plane, resisting the forces of mastication, anchoring the dentition, sep...
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a unique joint in which translational as well as rotational movements are possible and where both the ends of bones articulate, in same plane, with that of other bone. The TMJs are bilateral, diarthroidial, ginglymoid, synovial, and freely movable. Myofascial pain disorders are the most common cause of pain in the head and neck, and those involved in the temporomandibular joint are no exception. Joint disorders are the second most common cause of persistent head and neck pain. Included are internal derangements, degenerative joint disease and inflammation of...
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a unique joint in which translational as well as rotational movements are possible and where both the ends of bones a...
Der Oberkiefer ist die strukturelle Stütze zwischen der Schädelbasis und der Okklusionsebene. Er hält den Kaukräften stand, verankert das Gebiss, trennt die Mund- und Nasenhöhle, stützt den Augapfel und stützt das Gesicht und seine mimetische Muskulatur. Das weiche Gewebe des Mittelgesichts ist über das knöcherne Gerüst des Oberkiefers gestülpt und trägt wesentlich zum Erscheinungsbild und zur Identität des Gesichts bei, die für jeden Menschen einzigartig ist. Die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Defekte des Oberkiefers und der damit verbundene Behandlungsplan, verschiedene Arten von...
Der Oberkiefer ist die strukturelle Stütze zwischen der Schädelbasis und der Okklusionsebene. Er hält den Kaukräften stand, verankert das Gebiss, ...