This seminar focusses on the key issues addressed in measuring the hyperon-nucleon strong and weak interaction observables and in modelling the hyperon-nucleon interaction. Both quark and baryon pictures are addressed. Results from recent experiments at BNL, KEK, CERN and FNAL, including hyperon production, polarization and decay, are explored; both S = -1 and S = -2 systems are included. The status of our understanding of hyperon weak decays in the nuclear medium is examined and the constraints placed upon our modelling of the hyperon-nucleon interaction by our knowledge of hypernuclear...
This seminar focusses on the key issues addressed in measuring the hyperon-nucleon strong and weak interaction observables and in modelling the hypero...
Benjamin F Gibson, Cyrus M Hoffman, Peter D Barnes
This book reviews the major physics results from the meson factories, surveys the status of the relevant fields (including pion physics, hadron physics, and electroweak physics), and explores prospects for further progress.
This book reviews the major physics results from the meson factories, surveys the status of the relevant fields (including pion physics, hadron physic...