Traces the change within the Academie royale de la peinture from 1648 to its abolition in 1793, bringing to light the power politics involved. Appendices include previously unpublished registered and proposed statutes."
Traces the change within the Academie royale de la peinture from 1648 to its abolition in 1793, bringing to light the power politics involved. Appendi...
In 1752 Charles-Joseph Natoire, then a highly successful painter, assumed the directorship of the prestigious Académie de France in Rome. Twenty-three years later he was removed from office, criticised as being singularly inept. What was the basis for this condemnation that has been perpetuated by historians ever since? Reed Benhamou’s re-evaluation of Natoire’s life and work at the Académie is the first to weigh the prevailing opinion against the historical record. The accusations made against Charles-Joseph Natoire were many and varied: that his artistic work was increasingly...
In 1752 Charles-Joseph Natoire, then a highly successful painter, assumed the directorship of the prestigious Académie de France in Rome. Twenty-thre...