This is an adventure story that begins in Singapore with a chance meeting between Michael Kent, an American businessman who has recently experienced some bad fortune, and two other men. At this meeting, the idea of stealing a royal treasure is first raised and planned.
This is an adventure story that begins in Singapore with a chance meeting between Michael Kent, an American businessman who has recently experienced s...
Arizona Argonauts is a western novel by H. Bedford-Jones. Bedford-Joneswas a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.He wrote numerous works of historical fiction dealing with several different eras, including Ancient Rome, the Viking era, seventeenth century France and Canada during the "New France" era. Bedford-Jones produced several fantasy novels revolving around Lost Worlds. Excerpt: "The two gentlemen fell silent, gazing hopefully at the listless waste of Main Street as though...
Arizona Argonauts is a western novel by H. Bedford-Jones. Bedford-Joneswas a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime a...
The Sheriff of Pecos is a western novel by H. Bedford-Jones. Bedford-Joneswas a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer who became a naturalized United States citizen in 1908.He wrote numerous works of historical fiction dealing with several different eras, including Ancient Rome, the Viking era, seventeenth century France and Canada during the "New France" era. Bedford-Jones produced several fantasy novels revolving around Lost Worlds. Excerpt: "Besides "Galway" Mike, who was reading the Pahrump County News behind the bar, there were three...
The Sheriff of Pecos is a western novel by H. Bedford-Jones. Bedford-Joneswas a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crim...