Networked switched system has emerged as an essential system model in the field of control due to its accurate reflection of the wide-area distribution and typical switching characteristics of increasingly sophisticated controlled objects in engineering practice. The openness of communication networks, the limitation of communication resources, and the complexity of switching behaviors make it a challenging task to ensure the steady-state and transient performance of the output regulation of networked switched systems.
This book proposes several novel methodologies...
Networked switched system has emerged as an essential system model in the field of control due to its accurate reflection of the wide-area distribu...
This monograph studies the synchronization control of Markovian complex neural networks with time-varying delays, and the structure of the book is summarized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the system description and some background knowledges, and also addresses the motivations of this monograph. In Chapter 2, the stochastic synchronization issue of Markovian coupled neural networks with partially unknown transition rates and random coupling strengths is investigated. In Chapter 3, the local synchronization issue of Markovian neutral complex networks with partially information of...
This monograph studies the synchronization control of Markovian complex neural networks with time-varying delays, and the structure of the book is ...