This book deals with five topics around the process of artistic creativity, through its theories and dialectical relations between the creator and the recipient, as far as possible, Five axes have been addressed that cover this important topic in studies of the creativity in fine arts, through an analytical study of fine arts philosophy in relationship between the artist and antiques, and on the aesthetics theorizing and the tasting. the axes which include: the process of artistic creativity in fine arts, the theories of creativity in Fine Arts, dialectic of artistic and aesthetic...
This book deals with five topics around the process of artistic creativity, through its theories and dialectical relations between the creator and the...
The Dome of the Rock is considered one of the most important landmarks of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, built by Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan, (685-691 A.D), it is an octagonal building has four doors, and inside it another octagon based on pillars and cylindrical columns, inside of which there is a circle in the middle of the honorable rock. In the middle Ages, when the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem, Jerusalem was a source of inspiration for European photographers and architects in general and the Italians in particular. in the Renaissance, attempts have been made to portray Jerusalem...
The Dome of the Rock is considered one of the most important landmarks of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, built by Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan, (685-69...
Der Felsendom gilt als eines der wichtigsten Wahrzeichen der al-Aqsa-Moschee in Jerusalem. Er wurde vom Kalifen Abdul Malik bin Marwan (685-691 n. Chr.) erbaut und ist ein achteckiges Gebäude mit vier Türen und einem weiteren Achteck im Inneren, das auf Säulen und zylindrischen Pfeilern basiert, in deren Mitte sich ein Kreis befindet. Im Mittelalter, als die Kreuzfahrer Jerusalem eroberten, war Jerusalem eine Inspirationsquelle für europäische Fotografen und Architekten im Allgemeinen und die Italiener im Besonderen. In der Renaissance wurde versucht, Jerusalem künstlerisch darzustellen...
Der Felsendom gilt als eines der wichtigsten Wahrzeichen der al-Aqsa-Moschee in Jerusalem. Er wurde vom Kalifen Abdul Malik bin Marwan (685-691 n. Chr...
Darwish, Mahmoud Ahmed, Abdel Kadir, Huda Abdel Rahim
Le patrimoine et les biens culturels représentent la mémoire collective des peuples qui se transmet de génération en génération, mêlée aux traits de la personnalité nationale et à ses caractéristiques distinctives. Les antiquités constituent un maillon dans les cercles du développement culturel et civilisationnel, et ce qui le confirme, c'est que la perte de toute antiquité représente une perte, non seulement pour le pays qui possède l'antiquité, mais pour l'humanité tout entière. Dans ces conditions, il n'est pas surprenant de constater que les guerres et la mondialisation...
Le patrimoine et les biens culturels représentent la mémoire collective des peuples qui se transmet de génération en génération, mêlée aux tra...
This book of deals with the drawings of mythical animals on buildings and applied Islamic artifacts, especially the drawings of the dragon, which spread in a way that attracts attention, whether on buildings or on various arts.The book revolves around several axes, including defining the mythical animals that Muslims used as decorative elements, as well as the mythical animals in Islamic art, where drawings of the phoenix (simurgh), the bird with a human face, drawings of birds with human heads, the winged horse, and the eagle (griffon) that appeared in two pictures: the first is in the form...
This book of deals with the drawings of mythical animals on buildings and applied Islamic artifacts, especially the drawings of the dragon, which spre...
This book deals with Archaeological excavations in Rosetta - Egypt, and the documentation of scientific achievements in three projects of unprecedented discoveries in archaeological sites, these projects are: the archaeological discoveries at the site of the Rosetta Castle which is attributed to the Mamluk Sultan Qaytbay in the village of Burj of Rosetta, the site of Al-'Abed Castle on the Mediterranean coast and the Zawiyat Al-Bawab in Abu Mandour, south of Rosetta.I conducted these excavations during the period from 1985 to 1989, during my work as director of the Rashid antiquities area and...
This book deals with Archaeological excavations in Rosetta - Egypt, and the documentation of scientific achievements in three projects of unprecedente...