Contents: On the Large and Small Increments of Fractional Lvy Brownian Fields; On Oblique Reflecting Switched Diffusion Processes; On the Weak Law of Large Numbers for Weighted Sums of Pairwise Negative Quadrant Dependent Random Variables; The Moduli of Continuity and Large Increments of a Class of Gaussian Processes; Random Walk Tests and Pseudorandom Number Generators; Increments Theory on Gaussian Processes; The Law of Large Numbers for Fuzzy Numbers with Unbounded Supports; On Moduli of Continuity for a Two-Parameter Fractional Lvy Brownian Motion on Rectangles; Total Occupation Times for...
Contents: On the Large and Small Increments of Fractional Lvy Brownian Fields; On Oblique Reflecting Switched Diffusion Processes; On the Weak Law of ...