"There can be no doubt that special traits of character and mental makeup are found in children and adults who belong to the different ranks in the order of birth." In this classic work, Karl Konig attempts to explain the various characteristics of first, second, and third sibling, without losing sight of the tremendous individuality of the human being. Just as our environment shapes our language, social behavior, and mannerisms, so, too, our place in the family determines how we encounter life.
This is a fascinating handbook for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Over the years it has...
"There can be no doubt that special traits of character and mental makeup are found in children and adults who belong to the different ranks in the or...
This book contains two essays and sixteen lectures, ranging from the significance of nutrition in early childhood and during illness and descriptions of the digestive process and the inner organs from a spiritual point of view to ideas about the future development of nourishment. Konig's work is introduced by three contemporary researchers into nutritional practice and concludes with Konig's appreciation of the only mealtime grace given by Rudolf Steiner.
This book contains two essays and sixteen lectures, ranging from the significance of nutrition in early childhood and during illness and descriptions ...
Alongside his work with the Camphill movement, Karl König was a prolific writer of stories, poems and meditative verses. This book contains: -- A selection of his creative work -- Verses for specific occasions -- Twenty-four poems -- Four stories for children -- Ten other short stories, including Also a Christmas Story An extensive introductory essay explores the cultural environments in which König was writing -- including Vienna in the early twentieth century, and the challenging times leading up to the Second World War -- and discusses the creative development of his...
Alongside his work with the Camphill movement, Karl König was a prolific writer of stories, poems and meditative verses. This book contains: -- A ...
Do jaké míry a jakým způsobem určuje náš osud konstelace sourozenců, do níž se rodíme? Jaký je rozdíl mezi nejstarším, prostředním a třetím dítětem? A jak to má v životě jedináček? Lékař Karl König věnoval zkoumání této otázky značné úsilí a v knize předkládá poutavou formou výsledky, které mohou být zajímavé a užitečné nejen pro pedagogy a rodiče, ale i pro každého, kdo má potřebu lépe porozumět sám sobě.
Do jaké míry a jakým způsobem určuje náš osud konstelace sourozenců, do níž se rodíme? Jaký je rozdíl mezi nejstarším, prostředním a ...