In past few years internet is rapidly growing. In old day's people was go to the market and then buy the products. It was wasting of time and wasting of energy. Now a day's peoples buy small to large product through internet without going anywhere. So, it is very easy to buy a product. But, suppose anyone wants to buy a product and if there are thousands of reviews about that product then it is not easy to select the product. Some reviews will be positive and some will be negative. So, it creates confusion to the customer that's why it is necessary to personalize the website. i.e. when the...
In past few years internet is rapidly growing. In old day's people was go to the market and then buy the products. It was wasting of time and wasting ...
Data Structure is a branch of Computer Science. The study of data structure allows us to understand the organization of data and the management of the data flow in order to increase the efficiency of any process or program. Data Structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in the memory of the computer so that these data can easily be retrieved and efficiently utilized in the future when required. The data can be managed in various ways, like the logical or mathematical model for a specific organization of data is known as a data structure.
Data Structure is a branch of Computer Science. The study of data structure allows us to understand the organization of data and the management of the...