Dr. Percy Raymond Begg war ein brillanter Kieferorthopäde, der eine einzigartige Methode zur Zahnbewegung entdeckte. Wenn man die Personen aufzählen würde, die einen großen Beitrag zur Welt der klinischen Kieferorthopädie geleistet haben, würde Dr. Beggs Name sicher einen Platz unter den ersten wenigen finden. Er schuf nicht nur eine eigene Form der Mechanotherapie, sondern beeinflusste auch die Theorie und Praxis anderer Formen der Behandlung mit festsitzenden Apparaten. Er verhalf vielen Tausenden von Kindern und Erwachsenen zu erstaunlichen Korrekturen ihrer Zahn- und...
Dr. Percy Raymond Begg war ein brillanter Kieferorthopäde, der eine einzigartige Methode zur Zahnbewegung entdeckte. Wenn man die Personen aufzählen...
William Robert Proffit, an adored and respected orthodontic educator, author and speaker. He began his research, clinical practice, and teaching career in 1960s. His emphasis on science and the role of evidence in decision-making introduced evidence-based orthodontics. His textbook, Contemporary Orthodontics, the standard used in dental schools throughout the world, which has been published in 12 languages. He co-authored Contemporary Treatment of Dentofacial Deformity with Dr. Raymond P. White. Jr. and Dr. David M. Sarver and other book on surgical orthodontic treatment with Raymond P. white...
William Robert Proffit, an adored and respected orthodontic educator, author and speaker. He began his research, clinical practice, and teaching caree...
Dr. David Mckendree Sarver was born on 1st August 1951 in Auburn, Alabama. Sarver has always been interested in both the science and practice of Orthodontics. After earning his M.S. Degree in Orthodontics from the University of North Carolina in 1979, he returned to UAB and taught in the School of Dentistry for 15 years, while maintaining a full-time Orthodontic practice in Vestavia, along with prolific academic output. Sarver's textbook, Esthetic Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery, is the result of research he has conducted since 1985. Recently he published book on Dentofacial esthetics...
Dr. David Mckendree Sarver was born on 1st August 1951 in Auburn, Alabama. Sarver has always been interested in both the science and practice of Ortho...
Scholars periodically appear to organize the existing knowledge and formulate guiding principles. One of these scholars was Charles Henry Tweed Jr., an Orthodontist. Tweed spent 42 years of his life practicing Orthodontics and developing his skills as a good clinician and diagnostician. He made tremendous advancement in the field of Orthodontics. This book highlights some of his most important contributions.
Scholars periodically appear to organize the existing knowledge and formulate guiding principles. One of these scholars was Charles Henry Tweed Jr., a...
Le Dr Percy Raymond Begg était un brillant orthodontiste qui a découvert une méthode unique pour déplacer les dents. Si l'on devait dresser la liste des personnes qui ont apporté une grande contribution au monde de l'orthodontie clinique, le nom du Dr Begg trouverait certainement une place parmi les premières. Il a non seulement créé une forme distincte de mécanothérapie, mais a également influencé la théorie et la pratique d'autres modes de traitement par appareils fixes. Il a permis à des milliers d'enfants et d'adultes de bénéficier de corrections étonnantes de leurs...
Le Dr Percy Raymond Begg était un brillant orthodontiste qui a découvert une méthode unique pour déplacer les dents. Si l'on devait dresser la lis...