Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has emerged in recent years as a non - invasive therapeutic modality for the treatment of various infections by bacteria, fungi and viruses. This therapy is defined as "an oxygen dependent photochemical reaction that occurs upon light - mediated activation of a photosensitizing compound leading to the generation of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, predominantly singlet oxygen". Thus antimicrobial photodynamic therapy can be usedto eliminate periodontal pathogens selectively and thus periodontal disease can be treated successfully.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has emerged in recent years as a non - invasive therapeutic modality for the treatment of various infections by bacteria, f...
Periodontically accerelated osteogenic orthodontics is a relatively new clinical procedure which comprises of a surgical procedure done to enhance the orthodontic tooth movement which results in an increase in the alveolar bone width and shorter treatment time, increased post treatment stability and decreased amount of apical root resorption. The procedure begins with comprehensive fixed orthodontic treatment followed by full thickness flap, then decortication of the alveolar bone housing the teeth to be moved. A resorbable bone graft augmentation is placed over the surgical site and a soft...
Periodontically accerelated osteogenic orthodontics is a relatively new clinical procedure which comprises of a surgical procedure done to enhance the...
Die parodontal begleitende osteogene Kieferorthopädie ist ein relativ neues klinisches Verfahren, das einen chirurgischen Eingriff zur Verbesserung der kieferorthopädischen Zahnbewegung umfasst, der zu einer Vergrößerung der Alveolarknochenbreite, einer kürzeren Behandlungszeit, einer erhöhten Stabilität nach der Behandlung und einer geringeren apikalen Wurzelresorption führt. Das Verfahren beginnt mit einer umfassenden festsitzenden kieferorthopädischen Behandlung, gefolgt von einer vollständigen Lappenbildung und einer anschließenden Dekortikation des Alveolarknochens, in dem...
Die parodontal begleitende osteogene Kieferorthopädie ist ein relativ neues klinisches Verfahren, das einen chirurgischen Eingriff zur Verbesserung d...
This book attempts to incorporate the most recent diagnostic aids used in the dentistry for periodontal disease. The emerging concept in the detection of active disease, prediction of future disease progression and evaluation of the response of periodontal treatment reinvent clinicans to examine periodontal structures more accurately in all dimensions. Once a diagnosis has been reached, the physician is able to propose a management plan which will include treatment as well as plan for follow up. Advanced diagnostic aids are playing increasingly a vital role in the both, identification and...
This book attempts to incorporate the most recent diagnostic aids used in the dentistry for periodontal disease. The emerging concept in the detection...