Dieses Laborhandbuch Pharmakognosie und Phytochemie -II basiert auf dem neuen PCI-Lehrplan des fünften Semesters der B.pharm. Dieses Handbuch bietet detaillierte Informationen über Morphologie, Histologie, Pulvereigenschaften, Extraktion und Nachweis von Rohdrogen. Isolierung und Nachweis der Wirkstoffe einiger Rohdrogen wie Koffein aus Teestaub, Atropin aus Belladonna, usw. Dazu gehören auch die Trennung von Zuckern durch Papierchromatographie, die TLC von Kräuterextrakten, die Destillation von ätherischen Ölen und der Nachweis von Phytokonstituenten durch TLC sowie verschiedene...
Dieses Laborhandbuch Pharmakognosie und Phytochemie -II basiert auf dem neuen PCI-Lehrplan des fünften Semesters der B.pharm. Dieses Handbuch bietet ...
The Pharmacognosy lab manual is helpful for the D.pharm 1st year. It is used for the identification of organized drugs and unorganized drugs which are obtained from natural sources like medicinal plants. It deals with the study of macroscopy, morphological characters, chemical constituents, chemistry, physical properties, and medicinal uses. It gives more information about powder characteristics of crude drug powder. This also explains the study of the transverse section of crude drugs. It gives more information about crude drugs and their medicinal uses.
The Pharmacognosy lab manual is helpful for the D.pharm 1st year. It is used for the identification of organized drugs and unorganized drugs which are...
This Lab Manual Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry -II is based on the new PCI syllabus of B.pharm Fifth Semester. This manual provides detailed morphology, histology, and about powder characteristics &extraction &detection of crude drugs. Isolation and detection of active principles of some crude drugs like caffeine from tea dust, Atropine from Belladonna, etc. It also includes separating sugars by paper chromatography, TLC of herbal extract, the distillation of volatile oils, and detecting phytoconstituents by TLC.Various analysis of crude drugs by chemical tests like Asafoetida, Benzoin,...
This Lab Manual Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry -II is based on the new PCI syllabus of B.pharm Fifth Semester. This manual provides detailed morphol...
Herbal Drug Technology is based on the current PCI syllabus of the 6th semester, B. Pharmacy. This topic covered herbal cosmetics for skincare. This chapter includes more than 35 drugs of herbal skincare cosmetics. Also includes biological sources, families, parts, chemical constituents, and uses of individual drugs. Its simple language, easy presentation, and picture representation make the students comfortable and easier to learn and understand the basic concept of the topics included in the book.
Herbal Drug Technology is based on the current PCI syllabus of the 6th semester, B. Pharmacy. This topic covered herbal cosmetics for skincare. This c...
Ce manuel de laboratoire de pharmacognosie et de phytochimie -II est basé sur le nouveau syllabus PCI du cinquième semestre de B.pharm. Ce manuel fournit des informations détaillées sur la morphologie, l'histologie, les caractéristiques de la poudre, l'extraction et la détection des médicaments bruts. L'isolement et la détection des principes actifs de certaines drogues brutes comme la caféine de la poussière de thé, l'atropine de la belladone, etc. Il comprend également la séparation des sucres par chromatographie sur papier, la CCM d'extraits de plantes, la distillation...
Ce manuel de laboratoire de pharmacognosie et de phytochimie -II est basé sur le nouveau syllabus PCI du cinquième semestre de B.pharm. Ce manuel fo...
This pharmacology-I Lab Manual is based on PCI-Syllabus in B.Pharm Second Year. To search for new and newer agents to combat the modified as well as existing and new ill effects is a great challenge today. The availability of easy, economical, and quick methods for the evaluation of test drugs is also a key to success. It is also helpful for the discovery and development of drugs from natural, synthetic, and semi-synthetic pathways. To develop some laboratory test methods for pharmacological evaluation of crude/drugs. Ease of handling, less time consumption, and economy are also major...
This pharmacology-I Lab Manual is based on PCI-Syllabus in B.Pharm Second Year. To search for new and newer agents to combat the modified as well as e...